Chapter 5: Spacial

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"Aloha" I mumbled throwing myself into one of the hard plastic lumps that my school has the audacity to call chairs.
"Hello there dear, would you like a beverage? Some hot chocolate? Tea?"
I mumbled an incoherent response, so she nodded, smiled, and sat down.

"How was yesterday? did you like your sandwich?"
Yesterday I made the mistake of listing the contents of my lunch. She seems to think that the food you eat connects in some way to your character. I guess I understand, there was some pretty sad lettuce in that sandwich.
"It was a lovely sandwich Mrs. Fridget."
Her eyes widened and she scribbled something down on her note pad. "I have always liked sandwiches...", She trailed off, clearly in deep thought.

I could tell this wasn't going to go anywhere, so I decided to get creative.
If you are going nowhere you might as well enjoy the journey.
"What is your favourite kind of sandwich Mrs. Fridget?"
Her face lit up immediately, as if she had made some sort of revelation, "Well, I do love peanut butter and banana."
"Really? I have always found that too sweet. I am more of a BLT kind of kid." This was shaping up to be a long half hour. I didn't mind. I never minded, it didn't matter.

"Why do you like BLTs dear?"
"I don't know. Maybe the bacon? I think it's the bacon."
Mrs. Fridget began scribbling madly on her note pad, probably something about how my love of bacon is a wonderful sign.
"That's good", she smiled too widely, "Liking bacon is a sign of mental stability!" Her eyes had become wild.
She was starting to act stranger than usual. Even I could tell that something was wrong.

"Really?" I asked, trying to snap her out of it. "How does that make sense?"
"Oh...well....meat...protein...pork...and you know....pigs." She was losing it. Something in her already messed up head had just snapped.
"I'm just going to go now Mrs. Fridget. Thank you very much." I gathered up my stuff, and walked out of the door.

On my way out I heard screaming.
I kept walking.
Something hit a wall.
I kept walking.
A kid grabbed me and asked me what the hell was wrong with the councillor.
I didn't stop to answer.
I didn't know.
I didn't care.
All I knew was that one of the few people left on the planet that actually cared about me had just been driven insane, but there was only one thing I could do; Build my walls higher.

By noon, everyone was rushed out of the building; Mrs. Fridget had a knife. By one o'clock the police had come. By two o'clock Mrs. Fridget was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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