The Dark Web Live

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   I'm Jess,a 22 year-old who just finished college and lives alone.

   It was the middle of the night when I woke up, I wasn't able to go back to sleep so I just decided to go on my computer, some buddies of mine told me to check out the Dark Web,I didn't really want to but what could go wrong?

   I logged into my computer and went on the Dark Web,after 5-10 minutes of deciding what to do, I went on some random guy's live stream.He was inside a home, he went into the bathroom, he was wearing a mask and had a knife.He propped up the camera and make a motion with the knife to his neck, like he was going to slit his throat.
'What a sick fuck..'
I said to myself, I continued watching, he went into a bedroom, there was a man and what I assumed was his wife.

   The masked man propped up the camera again and stood by the women's side of the bed, just...staring at her. After a minute or so I could tell he was writing something on a piece of paper and put it on the women's pillow. He then began to act like he was stabbing the sleeping lady.
"This guy is sick,what the hell?"
I said it out loud, I didn't really mean to but oh-well. The masked man looked at the camera 'Did he hear me?'
'Of course not,that's crazy'

   The man walked to the camera, picking it up and leaving, the live stream ended. I decided that was enough and logged off my computer, I went back to bed but it wasn't easy.

   I woke up safely in the morning, but I noticed a piece of paper on my pillow, I stared in fear as I read it,
'Who's the sick fuck now?'
with a smiley face.
"He did hear me,"
I then realized the bigger picture, the guy was able to find where I live, break into my house, and put a note in my pillow.

   I'm lucky to be alive,who knows what else could have happened.

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