after the murder of perry...

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After moto moto murdered perry he went on the run. Moto contacted his trust worthy pall lord Farquaad and left the scene of the crime... But not long after moto moto left his swamp lord Farquaad turned on moto  because mr.Fadquaad stubbed his toe on moto Moto's nose's hairs (that grew back finally). But as lord Farquaad portrayed moto one of the childs took a finger nail clipping a shoved it up Farquaad's butt.  And after that unexpected event happened shronk caught up with moto and said "marry me Rebecca" and then moto said "me name is moto moto not friken Rebecca" and then they ran for the hills because the police caught up with moto. Moto and shronk moved to Hawaii and....

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