The Inner Conflict

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(Jungkook POV)

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(Jungkook POV)

Pushing open the door, the silent library welcomes me. My legs leading me to an unoccupied corner, hidden behind the towering shelves as I sit down on the chair. The warm rays of sunshine hitting against my face as it floods in through the window.

"Morning!" A lively voice speaks up as it breaks through the silent surroundings.

Turning to look at him I was met with his wide smile as I notice him holding out a notebook in my direction.

Noticing my hesitance he raises his eyebrow and hands me the notebook quickly. The smile not once wavering.

"The girl from yesterday told me to give it to you." With that Hoseok walks away but my eyes remain fixed on the notebook he handed me.

Flipping it open I find a note written on its first page.


To Jungkook,

All the notes of the classes are written here. Jimin and Taehyung also helped me with collecting all the notes so that you don't fall back on your studies. Study well and hope your arm gets well soon.

From Y/N.


A smile slowly creeps on my lips as I keep staring at the note but the smile fades when the nightmare from the previous night suddenly flashes through my mind. Quickly closing the notebook I look away.

The guilt getting back to me as I rest my head on the palm of my right hand. My heart starts racing due to the sudden string of memories that flash through. The ones I tried to erase.

I need someone beside me, to support my broken state but within me was something that was stopping my attempts to run away.

The shackles I want broken grip onto me tighter as I struggle to breath. Invisible forces around me forcing my body to lose all its strength as I let it overtake my figure. My mind slowly losing itself in the eternal whirlwind of worries...

"Jungkook?" Hoseok's voice pulls me out of my thoughts as I look up at him. "You look pale... Are you sure you are okay?"

His voice is laced with worry as he slowly sits on the chair beside me. His eyes staring into mine with worry evident in them as I quickly look away, not being able to maintain eye contact.

"Is something bothering you?" His voice lacks the usual energetic tone as he speaks softly.

"I'm fine. Leave me alone." I speak bluntly, still not looking up at him.

No... I am not.

Not being able to trust him just yet, my words come off as cold and harsh yet he seems unfazed. His expression wasn't hurt but that filled with concern.

He extends his arm as he rests it on my shoulder.

"I'll be here if you need me. Don't hesitate to call me." With those words leaving his lips, he walks away but not before smiling at me.

Giving little importance to his words, I open the copy and look into it. Taking in all the notes that they collected for me.

Time passes with me not caring. Soon the bell rang indicating the starting of lunch hours.

Stretching my arms above my head, the rushing and chaos of the busy corridor catches my attention as I notice Hoseok entering the library with a girl by his side.

Noticing my eyes on them, the girl turns to look at me as I notice her eyes widening a bit but they soon return to their former size.

Her reaction to seeing me not interesting me one bit, I casually look away, the trees swaying to the light breeze outside seeming more interesting.

Soon school hours end as I walk out of school with my bag hanging on my back.

With each step grows a queer feeling within me, causing me to turn back only to be met with nothing but people walking down the streets as they walk towards their own destinations.

The sense not once leaving me, I decide to ignore it as I soon reach my house. Twisting the key, a click is heard as I push open the door.

The house that once turned warm and comfortable now seems cold and empty. My feet bring me to the couch as I lay down. Shutting my eyes I think back on the occurrences of the day but nothing comes to mind.

My day returns back to how monotonous they were before her appearance in my life. My heart yearning for her presence but my mind pushing her away.

My feelings in conflict with my thoughts as my confusion grows.

Am I making the right choices?

The whirling thoughts making me feel even worse as I quickly sit up. My mind not being able to keep up with the worries and problems I was facing.

I never thought that the absence of a person would ever again make me feel so empty...

Losing a person dear to you leaves you hollow. The numbness within eats you as you yearn to feel... Feel something.

This is what makes a person want to hurt themselves.

Pain, the easiest feeling to come by.

The sharpness cuts through as the crimson fluid flows down, a color I have grown quite close to...

The numbness fades away as a sweet pain overcomes my body. The feeling causing me to relax.

You might ask why... The reason is very simple.

Focusing on the pain caused by the cut makes my mind shift it's attention from the worries and troubles of the world surrounding me. After all...

It is the mind that kills... Not the body.

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