Chapter 1

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"HADES!!!!!" Zeus screamed from the throne room as i ran away with bottles of alcohol. I really don't understand how he could have gotten this drunk and he's a God, Gods are hardly drunk.

I think my brother has had enough to drink seeing that he's drunk so i ran off with the last bottles of alcohol and he's upset about that.
I know what you are thinking, me, Hades, Ruler of the underworld caring about someone is bizarre but hey he is family. He had been drinking alot lately since he found out that some mortal is having his child.
Us Gods often travel down to earth in our human forms to have a little fun once in a while, a little too much fun on my brothers part.

"HADES!! Stop running!!!" I heard Zeus screamed behind me. I looked around to see his attempt of running but is failing miserably since he is drunk. He is literally falling every 5 steps he took which is hilarious. I stopped and place the alcohol in the top shelf of cabinet seeing that i am taller than he is and in his state he wont be able to climb up and get it. After doing that i walk towards my brother to help him sober up but i was greeted by a pleasant surprise, well it was not so pleasant, my brother punched me in the face very hard, if i were a Mortal then my face probably would have been crushed. Him being drunk even made his punch less powerful but it still connected. I staggered back a little because it took me by surprise

"Brother this type of behaviour is not fitting for a God, i only took the alcohol because you have had enough" i said calmly
"I did not ask you to babysit me Hades, I am a God, not a Demi God and most definitely not a Mortal! I am the Ruler of all creation, I can handle my Alcohol" he slurred his words
"Yea right" i retorted " You are acting like a Mortal and not Godlike, Gods are never drunk and here u are!! What example are u setting for our younger siblings! And your soon to come son!!!"i said
"I will do as I please Hades, You are one to speak mischievous one" Zeus said
"I may be mischievous but i know my limit and I bid you a Goodnight brother, I'm going back to the underworld now" i said
"Dont come back" Zeus said
"What do you mean by don't come back, this is our home! Father said its for all of us!" I yelled
"Father is not here anymore and i am the Ruler, Don't come back. You have embarrassed me infront of my angels time and time again and i will not tolerate your defiance any longer" Said Zeus
"So you are kicking me out because i took your Alcohol, so mature. You are drunk brother go and rest we will discuss this when you are sober"
I said

I walked away from my brother shaking my head, A God being drunk is never good, we have a hogh tolerance for alcohol because when we do get drunk and have hangovers it often affects the earth. It is almost like when a God gets sick, we rarely do but when it happens earth suffers, if we sneeze the earth shakes, the more severe our sickness is the more shakey the earth becomes. When we sneeze sometimes the shakes are barely noticeable but the more severe it is the earth may experience earthquakes. Hangovera are different though, hangover hardly affects the earth but seeing that my brother is the Ruler of all creation it is going to directly impact them, they might experience flooding, hopefully they dont cause the underworld already has alot on his plate since every one has been sinning alot more lately.

Suddenly i heard a huge thunder and saw a flash of lightening. Oh great it has already started. I informed the angels that took care of our needs to assist my brother and give him our special tonic to avoid earths destruction. How ironic! Me worrying about earth and my brother's destroying it. Dont get me wrong though, I love mortals so i would want them becoming extinct. Punishing them is fun and them no longer existing would take away the fun from it.

As i approached the gates of heaven i signalled the gate keeper to let me through
"I'll be back tomorrow at 8 to check on my brother so ensure that this information is passed onto him since hes a little out of it" i said
"Yes Dark Lord" he said

Dark Lord, so unoriginal but i really love that name.
I descended to the underworld and entered. I ignored everyone and went to bed. This has been a long day and i owed no one an acknowledgement since i am the ruler here and i am feared, alright maybe i wasnt feared but i was respected. I am not as evil as everyone thinks, father taught me better than that. I was just assigned this role because Fear makes mortals fall in line. I was always mischievous but i was never evil, none of us are.
Each of us were given Roles to fill
Goddess of love
Goddess of war
God of Creation
God of the Underworld and all the others were assigned. Me being the oldest got underworld and Zeus my younger brother got Ruler of Creation. I never wanted the Role he got because i would have been too merciless towards them so i got the perfect role of punishing the bad Mortal and ensure that they pay for all the bad the caused for the rest of eternity
Feeling myself falling into slumber i didnt force it, i was welcomed into slumber land and was greeted with soft clouds.

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