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Aelin turned over and nestled her head into her mate's chest. She didn't want to get up, but the court was meeting soon. Rowan sighed, signaling he was also awake. 

"We need to get up, fireheart," He said, trying and failing to sit up. 

"One more minute," Aelin mumbled. Rowan laughed. 

"I've given you an hour. We're going to be late, darling. " Aelin sighed and sat up.

"Fine," She groaned, getting out of bed. Her eyes widened as she  jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Rowan could hear her throwing up. 

"This is the fourth day in a row you've been sick. Are you ok? He asked worriedly. He heard running water and Aelin came out with a pile of clothes in her arms.

"I'm fine, just sick I guess. Now, get dressed you buzzard, we have a meeting you insist we get to." Rowan was worried, but couldn't disobey his queen. 


At breakfast, Aelin was still acting weird. When they walked in, she almost gagged at the smell of bacon, one of her favorite foods. When she was offered a huge piece of chocolate cake, she refused it, saying she wasn't feeling herself. Now she was talking to Fenrys with a plate piled with sausage. This didn't go unnoticed to the rest of the court, as Aelin usually avoided sausage after learning how it was made. Rowan leaned over to his wife. 

"Are you sure you're ok? You've eaten all the sausage on the table." Rowan's old fears came back. Could Aelin be pregnant? At one point that would have been bad, they were in the middle of a war. But, now? Everything was safe. The kingdom was rebuilding, and life was fairly easy. The two had never really talked about having children because they assumed it would take a while to happen. Things were always harder for fae when it came to pregnancies. Aelin just laughed at Rowan's comment. 

"I'm fine. I just have really weird cravings right now. Will someone pass the pickled eggs?" She proceeded to eat all of those as well. 

After breakfast, Rowan followed Aelin up the stairs. 

"Fireheart, will you consider being checked by a healer? You've been acting really strange, I just want to make sure you're alright." Aelin turned to look at him. 

"You're worrying too much, old man," He frowned at that,"but, since you really want me to, yes, I'll go right now. Love you." With that, she gave him a quick kiss and ran down the stairs to the healer's quarters. 


Aelin could tell Rowan was worried about her, but she didn't know why. Her only problems was a sudden change of mood every so often, weird cravings, and nausea. She had to admit, she did refuse chocolate cake that morning, but only pickled eggs and sausage sounded good. 

"Great," she muttered, "Now I want more pickled eggs, and they're all out." She came to the healer's door and knocked. Her favorite healer, Diane, answered. 

"Your majesty! What can I do for you?" She opened the door wider to allow the queen entrance. 

"Hi, Diane, sorry to interrupt you, but I've been feeling a little out of it for a few days, and Rowan made me come check. Do you have a minute to figure out what's wrong?" Diane smiled. 

"Yes, I heard about your odd cravings and sickness. I wouldn't want to get your hopes up, but have you considered the possibility you may be pregnant?" Aelin could only stare. Why hadn't she thought of that? Her mate had unintentionally sent a few emotions down the bond at breakfast, could he already have guessed it? Before her? 

"C-could you check?" 

"Of course, my queen." Diane put a hand on Aelin's stomach and was silent for a second. Then she took her hand off and smiled. 

"Congratulations," she whispered, "You're about one month pregnant. With twins." Aelin barely registered the tears on her face as she walked out. She ran all the way to her rooms, where she could feel her mate waiting. 


Aelin burst in with tears on her face. Rowan got up immediately.  

"What's wrong? What did the healer say?" He was very worried now. 

"Rowan, I'm pregnant. With twins!" It was barely a whisper, but Rowan heard it. He ran over to his mate and picked her up, careful of her stomach. He cried into her hair as she cried into his shoulder. 

The two of them just sat there on the floor, hugging each other, marveling at the fact they were starting a family together. 

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