Chapter Two: Ice Cream and Hats of Change

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Koko looked at the teenage boy beside her. He was staring out the window, letting the racing winds of passing cars blow in his face.

Ever since he had moved in with her, there had been some distance between the two. They had never spent much time together when he was younger, which probably explained the missing history.

Koko knew that the boy's father was never around and that he didn't like to talk about him. But his mother, her older sister, had been there, albeit dropping him off at boarding school as soon as she got the job of her dreams.

Then one day she had called Koko up and asked if her son could live with her as he attended high school in Ninjago City. She had, of course, accepted, but when the boy arrived, he was alone.

Lloyd has skipped a grade in his boarding school because of how behind their education was, sending him off to high school when he was twelve. His birthday was late in the year and Koko hoped that it would not affect his social life.

Which was what she was currently checking on.

"How was school today, Lloyd? Make any news friends?" She asked, giving him a sideways glance as to not take her eyes off the road.

"Um, there was one girl I met. We've been having lunch together everyday."

Koko perked up. "Oh, really? What's her name?"

"Uh, Harumi Jade."

"You should invite her over. I would love to meet her."

"Uh, actually, she invited me out this weekend." Lloyd admitted, sounding unsure. "We're going to the movies. She's going to introduce me to some people. She said it would help me make friends."

"Oh, Lloyd, that's good! I know you've had a hard time making friends in the past, but this a new school. A fresh slate. Please tell me you'll make the most if it."

Lloyd hummed, not moving just face from the window. A few minutes later, Lloyd turned away from the window.

"This isn't the way to your apartment."

Koko smiled. "Well, it's Friday, I just thought you would like to get outside. I know it's been a stressful week and there's a street fair uptown."

"I-I've never been to a street fair." Lloyd paused in thought. "What's it like?"

Koko pulled into a parking space. "I'll show you."

Minutes later found the two walking down the crowded street. Tents were set up with brightly colored displays, vendors trying to sell their goods.

Koko pulled her nephew to different stands, showing him all the different things. "And be careful sweetie, sometimes they'll try and rob you of your money." She sent a glare towards one of the vendors before steering Lloyd away.

Lloyd froze in his tracks when he spotted a small stand selling ice cream.

"You want some?"

"Huh?" He turned to see his aunt looking down at him.

"Do you want some ice cream?"

"N-no it's okay. What else is there?"

"Lloyd..." Koko said slowly. "Have you ever had ice cream before?"

"W-what? Yeah, of course I have..." At Koko's look—clearly saying 'I don't believe you'— he sighed. "No. I haven't."

Lloyd let out a gasp of surprise as he felt his body being dragged over to the small stand. The tent overhead was a light blue and there were two young adults—maybe college students—serving out cones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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