Chapter 6 : Nora

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Scarlet and Iris ran into the living room she saw a vase shattered on the floor the shards all over the floor she saw Nora close to the shards "I'm sorry, it was an accident" Scarlet walked over to her "It's okay but be more careful next time, I don't want to see you getting hurt" Scarlet told her. Nora nodded then suddenly there was an explosion and half of Scarlet's house was destroyed. Scarlet's ears were ringing she tried finding Nora and Iris but they were gone she sniffed at the air trying to trace their scent 'Briar!' she thought, her pupils dilated then became thin, a low growl rumbled in her throat as she transformed her eyes were gray and the pupils were thin her fur was a dark brown color she ran north another growl and her eyes glowed brightly she was going to make them pay 'Mary hasn't given me a warning so they definitely took her but there's no time to waste I have to get them back' she thought, no one took away the ones that she cared about. NO ONE. Scarlet ran for 5 days straight she didn't rest nor did she eat anything but on the 6th day she stopped for a moment, legs shaking as she let out a shaky breath, her ears and tail were lowered and then she collapsed, the last thing she saw before she blacked out was a female hybrid. When Scarlet woke up she found herself lying in a bed covered in bandages all over her arms and legs she wore a blue shirt and black leggings with considering on how cold the room was,it was appropriate attire she quickly got out of bed but was stopped when she felt a cold hand on her shoulder she turned around to see another hybrid staring at her the hybrid was a she-wolf. Scarlet looked at the hybrid baring her teeth at her and letting out a warning snarl she tried her hardest not to show weakness but the hybrid seemed somewhat familiar she smelled her scent the other hybrid smelled of forest, freshly baked cookies and vanilla but she smelled another scent, Mary's "Lucy?" She asked. Lucy nodded "yup, that's me" Lucy said it looked like she was smiling but her mask was covering her face so she was uncertain. Lucy held her hand out which Scarlet noticed was covered by a black glove "nice to meet you, Scarlet" she said, Scarlet shook her hand 'she looks about my age yet she seems pretty young' Scarlet thought as she took in Lucy's appearance

 Lucy held her hand out which Scarlet noticed was covered by a black glove "nice to meet you, Scarlet" she said, Scarlet shook her hand 'she looks about my age yet she seems pretty young' Scarlet thought as she took in Lucy's appearance

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(This is a drawing of Lucy without her mask as you can see she's bisexual, apps that I used are gachaverse and IbisPaint X)

Lucy's mask was black with 2 red and blue swirls on opposite sides of it there was 2 holes so that she could breathe through her nose and a silver crescent moon at the center of the mask on top of the forehead. "I know where they're located" Lucy said "Nora, Iris and Mary are being held at an old temple just a couple miles from here I'll teleport you there to save you the trouble but for right now, eat something" Scarlet let out a sigh "fine" she muttered she followed Lucy into the kitchen. Lucy gave her a apple, a steak and water Scarlet ate quickly Lucy stood on the opposite side of her, arms crossed and she was leaning against the wall her posture was relaxed, Scarlet stood by. Lucy raised her hand in a claw like shape and started moving it in circles in the shape of an oval and electricity started sparking from her arm ice covered her fingers sharpening them into claws she reached for the wall behind Scarlet and blasted it making Scarlet duck a blue portal appeared, Scarlet gasped staring at the portal in amazement "GO" Lucy said her voice rough and raspy she threw something at Scarlet. Scarlet caught it, it was a necklace with a small silver dagger in the center she put it around her neck "thank you, Lucy" she said "hold onto the dagger tightly in case you ever need my help" Lucy told her, Scarlet ran through the portal she looked around and sure enough the temple was there right in front of her "Scarlet" Lucy's head popped out of the portal Scarlet looked at her, Lucy raised her mask a bit just enough to show her mouth "good luck" she said she smiled at her and Scarlet smiled back. The portal closed and Scarlet started running towards the temple she would have to fight the Order, each member was incredibly powerful that much she knew but she just prayed that Nora, Iris and Mary were safe.

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