10. Truth

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The dining room was completely silent apart from the scrape of cutlery against plates. No one spoke a word as we all moved food around our plates, doing our best to ignore what had just happened. I glance up again as I felt Daniel's anger simmering away, his eyes fixed on Kate while Kate keenly avoids his gaze by staring at her plate.

He was beyond angry, but underneath that anger I could practically taste the guilt and sadness in the part he played in this mess. I could feel my wolf becoming agitated by the tension and twisted emotions in the room, she wanted them to stop. I took a deep breath through my nose and silently willed her to calm down. I look away from the happy couple and glance over at my mum and dad to see how they had taken this. To be completely honest, I don't even know how I felt right now.  Dad was looking at Kate and Daniel in disappointment and mum looked a little green. I rubbed my forehead feeling tired all of a sudden. 

"Did Michael settle down alright?" Mum suddenly asked, looking really interested in cutting a slice of steak.

"Fine." Kate answered, not even bothering to even look up. She seemed just as interested in playing with her food as mum was.

"He really is such a sweetheart." Mum continues as she takes a small bite. "You two were blessed with him. I didn't catch a wink of sleep for near enough five years with you two." She said while waving her fork in our directions. I smile at that. She always mentioned never having any sleep with the pair of us.

"Now now dear." My dad smiled affectionately at mum. "I distinctly remember having the girls too." He taps his head. 

"Of course." Mum smiles back." Once in a blue moon." She chuckles at him. "Did you know that when it was his turn to get up with you he would suddenly say he had pack business. Tried it all the time." She laughed looking at me. 

"She lies." Dad says with his hand over his heart. "But I did have pack business." He chuckles. 

Mum and dad continued laughing and talking as if determined to talk about absolutely anything apart from what they've just witnessed, while the rest of us listened in silence. I soaked in their happiness, the obvious love they share and prayed that I would have that too someday, even if it wasn't with my mate. I put my knife and fork down, suddenly not feeling at all hungry. I would never have my mate.

"Are you not hungry Tabby?" My mum's concerned tone caused me to wince slightly as I thought about the effort she put into the meal. I peek down at my plate and felt even more guilty at the sight of the amount of food still on it. 

"Sorry mum, my stomachs not feeling too good." I say rubbing my stomach slightly. I felt fine, I just didn't feel hungry anymore and I didn't want to upset her about the food. I quickly pick up my plate and head to the kitchen. The tension was steadily building in the room. My mum and dad's obvious efforts in trying to delay the obvious was starting to give me a headache.

"Do you need anything?" Mum asks and follows me to the kitchen. "Do you feel sick?"

"No I'm fine mum really." I reassure her with a smile. "It's probably something I ate earlier." She watches me closely for a few seconds, deciding on whether to believe me, before nodding slightly at me and letting it go.

"Go and sit down and I'll make you a sweet tea. It'll help settle your stomach." she smiles warmly and pats much shoulder affectionately.

"Thanks mum." I say with a tight smile and squeeze her hand before walking back into the dining room. Once again the room was completely silent as I make my way back over to my chair. The only difference this time was that no one was even pretending to eat anymore. I took my seat and waited silently for my tea. As a coffee drinker, I didn't quite understand my mum's fascination with tea, but it tasted good. I smiled in thanks as my mum set my tea down in front of me.

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