part 5

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It's been 3 day's since I moved to Glenroy so my mum want's me to go to school today. The school that I'm going to is Penola. Daniel and my others cousin don't go there but Jai and Luke do so at least I will have someone to show me around. I did try to get into Buckley Park but I would have to wait for 5 months on a waiting list to get in and well I can't just miss 5 months of school. 

   It was nearly 8 o'clock and Beau said he would give Jai, Luke and I a lift to school since it's on his route to work. They finally arrived at 8 on the dot. I quckly said goodbye to my mum and she gave me sa hug and said "Good luck and if there is any problems just call me." I nodded and hopped into the back of Beau's car. It didn't take that long to get to Penola and the journey went quick since we were all chatting away. After a 10 minute car journey we arrived. I think the boys could tell I was nervous because Beau said to me "Good luck babe and don't worry if you get into any bother the boys will stick up for you." Jai and Luke nodded and Luke closed the car door and we all said thanks to Beau for the lift then I gave Beau a quick hug and he said "Honestly babe you will be fine." I gave him a convincing smile and walked through the gates with Jai and Luke. Luke held my hand not like a couple just for support so I knew he was there for me. I thought it was adorable but Jai said "Luke I know your just trying to be a good friend but everyone is starring at you thinking...Yano you guys are a thing." Luke just sighed and said "Haters gonna hate, potatos gonna potate" then Jai said "Tomatos gonna tomate" and they both said in sync "and dogs are gonna bark" I couldn't help but laugh. I don't know where they got that from but I thought it was pretty funny. We had just reached the main entrance when the first bell went and jai said "Luke do you wanna just go to form and I will find out what form Eva's in and I will come along after" Luke nodded and gave me a quick hug and then let go of my hand. Jai then said "ok stick near me or you will get lost. Trust me it gets busy round this area" I quickly grabbed on to Jai's hand and he smiled and we managed to get through the crush of people trying to enter the building through the doors. Jai rang the bell on the counter of the office to get someone's attention and a small middle aged woman turned round and said "Oh hello Jai, what's the matter" Jai said "Oh no it's not me miss, it's my friend she's just new here" The woman looked me up and down with disgust like I was some criminal that had just killed someone there and then. Jai coughed to get her attention of me. "Oh yes sure thing I will just go and get her timetable. What's her name?" She looked at Jai. Jai sighed and said "Look she has a name and it's Eva. She can talk yano." She put the timetable on the counter and glared at Jai and said "Don't speak to me like that young boy." Jai snachted the bit paper of the desk and grabbed my hand and quickly dragged me away.  "What was that womans problem?" I asked Jai once we were out of sight of the office "I don't even know. She is always like that to girls but treats us boys like royalty." Jai replied while looking at the timetable. "Your in the same form is me so you don't need to worry. Me and Luke will be there to guide you to classes and introduce you to people." I gave him a smile just so he knows that woman didn't bother me. All teachers in my old school used to judge me like that as well. Oh well at least this time I have Jai and Luke to stick by me. 

   We finally got to a door at the end of the long corridor and Jai said "are you ready?" I just nodded and smiled and we both walked into the classroom. Everyone turned there heads to look at us then they were all staring at our hands. We both looked at each other and realised we were still holding hands from when he had dragged me away from the office. We just took a step apart and luckily the teacher hadn't arrived so the class were making some noise. I then seen Luke sitting with a group of people so me and Jai walked up to them. Luke stood up and gave me a hug and indicated just to share a seat with him. So I down and then Luke introduced me to everyone. "Guys this is Eva and she just moved here from Scotland a few days ago." Jai then said "she's going to be chilling with us guys from now on" The group all smiled and sayed hi. Jai then introduced me to James, Lily and Jordy and there were 4 others called Andrew, Bridget, Monique and Tyla but they went off and did there own thing.  

   The day went pretty quick! At least 1 person from the group in form this morning was in my classes. I found out that James is like Daniel's best friend and the two of them have been close since they were 5. So I will be seeing more of James that's for sure! In english they were assigned seats and the girl who sat next to me was called Ella she didn't say much except from "I don't believe you only joined today and your already in with the Janoskians". I assumed that's what the group of friends I have now call themselves or something. She also said "does Luke follow you on twitter? Because if he does you know your priveledged" I think this girl was not right in the head. Why would it be such a big deal if Luke was following me on twitter or not. After thinking abut what Ella had been saying the bell for the end of the day went and I stood up and quickly caught up with James who was at the front of the classroom. Me and James met up with Luke and Jai at this oval area where we sit at lunch. We all walked out together to get a lift home from Beau.

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