Chapter Four: Mercy

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Gray didn’t know how to react. He had already established that he had to fight Natsu, the Natsu he knew and had grown to love as a rival and friend – but that still didn’t prepare him for what he just witnessed.

Achnologia had been one thing, an action that barely registered in his mind other then a whim, as at the time he was still attempting to comprehend the happenings around him. But as his thoughts had settled and he steeled himself for a job he believed only he could do – the reality finally sunk in as he felt pity when the head of enemy fell towards the ground in such a simplistic motion.

Gray wanted to feel relieved at Mard Geer’s demise – as he had felt with Achnologia’s injury – but alas the cruelty of the situation denied himself even that simple pleasure. Therefore as he stood to face the beast that wore the mask of his best friend, he no longer saw any hope of salvation.

Natsu’s once warm eyes had now steeled themselves into something wicked and bloodthirsty, intensified by the malice shown in even the simplest of smiles. Gray’s rage soared throughout his veins at the dishonour this being brought to the memory of Natsu, and now more then ever did Gray want to extinguish the existence of such a creature.

That’s right, Gray thought, This is no longer Natsu. This is E.N.D.

The cold that his magic brought manifested in his hands, prepared the follow any command he gave at a moments notice. Thankfully, because not even a moment later the friend he now identified as E.N.D. turned towards Gray, actually acknowledging him for the first time since what Gray deemed as the “transformation”.

Their eyes met and Gray was shocked to see no hint of recognition anywhere on the face of his foe. Gray supposed that this made things somewhat easier, as he wouldn’t have to worry about hesitating when he faced those eyes in battle. Breathing deeply, he deeply hoped the magic he gained from his father would be enough, because even though Gray didn’t want to admit it – there was no way his usual magic would make any difference against E.N.D. Not when he had attacked Achnologia in one fell swoop and killed Mard Geer effortlessly. E.N.D. was on a completely different level then everyone.

Then, as quick as a blink of the eye, the Etherious stood before him with a clawed hand positioned underneath Gray’s chin. Gray couldn’t breathe. In a momentary panic, ideas flashed throughout his mind during milliseconds, attempting to comprehend the current situation whilst he watched his own movements in slow motion.

It took a full second for his magic to take effect and create something. Since Gray knew this, he also knew that he had to defend himself before this second was up. Or else… he might just end up as Mard Geer. Obliviously defeated and irreversibly dead.

As Gray twisted sideways he brought his elbow upwards in defence. The frost of his magic tingled, and just as he swiped the appendage towards E.N.D.’s head the ice materialized. The Etherious didn’t look bothered in the slightest as the ice blade glanced across the air where E.N.D.’s head had just been. He had shifted backwards in the slightest in order to avoid the blow. However, the claws also positioned at Gray’s neck shifted with this motion allowing the immediate threat to be neutralized.

Despite that, Gray vaguely felt as if the monster before him was simple testing him, playing with him the way a predator does its prey. It angered him even further. Spurring on his attack further, Gray let the momentum of his arm carry himself downwards as he brought up his opposite leg for another assault. The second his hand hit the ground, his foot swung rapidly towards E.N.D.’s head. He wasn’t expecting impact, therefore when the attack jarred the bone in his foot as it was forced to a stop he almost lost his balance.

From Gray’s upside-down position, he was just able to make out that his attack had been halted by the Etherious’ forearm. Suddenly realizing how dangerous this situation had become with his impulsive attack, the Ice Devil Slayer quickly attempting to once again stand upright. It was in that moment that he realized his attack had not only been stopped, but that E.N.D. had also managed to grip his ankle.

No sooner then the words were thought, he found himself airborne and sprawling in some unknown direction. He registered he was thrown; albeit very hard for the amount of time he had to actually process it. Without warning, he suddenly felt his back impact, sending a jolt throughout his spine. It was enough to immobilize him for a second as he dropped to the floor.

Upon regaining his senses, he realized he had crashed into a large remain of the Cube. As Gray rose to his feet, he spotted E.N.D. walking casually towards him without any worry whatsoever. In fact, Gray swore he saw the Etherious smile.

Gray panted as he once again readied himself to use his magic. He was already spent from the fight with his father, and now, even with the Ice Devil Slayer Magic to aid him, he felt the effects start to take its toll. Breathing deeply, he waited for E.N.D. to attack.

Immediately, the demon was once again on the offence approaching Gray with too much speed for the Ice Mage to prepare a suitable defence. Despite this, Gray managed to avoid the incoming attack by E.N.D. as its claws tore at the space his head had previously occupied. Gray felt a sudden ice-cold rush in his veins, fuelling his depleted energy like liquid adrenaline.

Before even Gray contemplated his attack, he angled himself sideways to the Etherious and sent a right hook directly into the demon’s face. However, as Gray soon realized- this wasn’t just any right hook- the tattoo in his arm seared as he felt it pulse with pure undiluted magic. The effect was instantaneous as the frost froze the very air in its immediate vicinity, effectively surprising E.N.D.

The blast that followed was so strong Gray was thrown back even though he was the one delivery the attack. He managed to stay grounded as the frost faded from the air and his former friend was sent flying. He dared let a soft grin spread across his face at the thought of actually standing a chance against the demon.

Be that as it may be, the surrounding air suddenly pulsed with a force similar to a heat wave, blurring reality for half a second. That was when Gray managed to catch a glimpse of E.N.D. abruptly stopping his soaring form after only five feet. Gray didn’t realize how that was possible until the wings registered, and each beat causing a surge of scorching air to engulf those in the contiguous vicinity.

After two bursts did this stop as the Etherious had neglected the use of his wings for the reassurance of solid earth. However, in the flicker of an instant did the demon vanish from sight, the only trace of his former presence being the third burst of blistering heat that cascaded throughout the expanse.

It wasn’t until he glimpsed the faint shadow engulfing him that Gray thought to look up. There the Etherious was suspended above him, like a bird stalking its lunch. The view lasted no more then a second as suddenly Gray felt a searing pain across his left side, the result of a large gash imprinted across his bare torso.

Gray was dumbfounded at the attack that he hadn’t even sensed let alone defended against. He staggered slightly on his feet, the pain causing black spots to appear in front of his eyes. Willing himself to focus, he examined the severity of the gash as quickly as he could.

The wound was fairly deep, but not potentially fatal if the blood flow was stopped. He quickly manipulated his ice to cover the wound while freezing it shut. The intended effect did as he hoped as well as having numbed some of the pain.

Alert once more, Gray saw E.N.D. standing just a slight ways away. Precariously, Gray readied himself once more for an attack – when the demon did something so revolting psychotic that Gray couldn’t help but cringe.

E.N.D. had licked the bloodied claw that pieced him while flashing the former Dragon Slayer’s canines wickedly. That’s when the whisper was uttered, managing to sound nauseatingly similar to Natsu’s voice. Gray only managed to hear it because he had no doubt in his mind it was directed to him.

“You should humour me while you’re at my mercy.”

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