Casino cups! Cuphead X fire powers! Casinoemployee!reader

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Readers pov

I saw two teenage cups walk through the casino and everyone cowered and ran. My face held a confused expression as I examined them both. I was sure they looked nice, so they must be really kind, right? I wish.

  The red cup charged at me with his laser fingers and I dodged at light speed and ducked behind the casino bar. I peeked over and saw the blue mug near the bar looking for me while the other was checking the bathrooms.

  "Where are you?~" the blue mug taunted.

  I narrowed my eyes and smirked. So he wants to play, eh? I'll show him what happens when you mess with me. I grabbed a bunch of plates and launched them one by one at all different angles without him knowing I was behind the bar.

  And before I knew it, he was in the floor unconscious. Phew, now the other one was still looking in the bathroom,I should find a better hiding spot. I'll make sure to melt him one he gets in here.

  I find a good place to hide which was in the ceiling (go with it) and looked down. I saw the red cup come out of the bathroom and I get my hands ready to load fire at him but when I saw the worry in his eyes when he looked at his brother. My gaze immediately softened- I can't act like this. Boss wants 'em dead and I promised I would do whatever it takes to help him. Here goes nothing.

  I jump down silently and I grab him by his neck and lay him unconscious. I'm sad that I didn't get to use my powers but oh well :(

  I grab both I them by the collar and walk to boss's office whistling the same tune over and over. I kick open the doors and I see an unexpected sight- BOSS AND DICE WERE MAKING OUT!!

  "EWWWW GET INTO A BEDROOM YOU-YOU SHIZNICKS!!" I yell covering my eyes with my elbow.

  Boss and dice quickly snap out of it and regain their posture. They're both blushing, how cute- whatever.

  "I have two small shits like you asked, would like like anything else to order or will that be all?" I said disgusted as they were making out in his office.

  I dropped the two boys on the desks and slammed the door behind me and I made my way back to the casino. I start cleaning up when-, holy shiznicks elder kettle shoves open the doors and looked out of breath.

  "I'm terribly sorry sir but the casino is clo-" I begin but-

  "WHERE ARE MY BOYS!!" He yells in fury.

  I glare at him and point to the door.

  "Get. Out."

  He looked at me in disbelief but his eyes widened when he saw the two cups in casino uniform,walking with boss.

"N-no" he began to cry and he ran out.

   I pursed my lips and turned to boss, a hand on my hip and pointed to him.

"Mind giving me an explanation? You're going to need a few after I'm done with you" I say walking towards him pulling my sleeves up.

  The devi- boss backed away while dice out his arm infront of me to block him from getting beaten up by me. I frowned deeply and looked at the red cup.

  Our eyes met and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

  "So beautiful, what's ya name?"

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