★ | 194. choose both, haikyuu

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 194: Choose Both, Haikyuu
Word Count: 1440

The shouts coming from the two boys were loud and the attention of everyone else in the room was focused on them

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The shouts coming from the two boys were loud and the attention of everyone else in the room was focused on them. They didn't care about the attention, all they cared about was making sure they were the ones who one there side of the argument.

"I've liked him for longer then you have! Therefore, I should be the one to be able to date him!" Hinata screamed, his hands clenching into fists by his side. His face was red with anger and he was huffing and puffing in frustration.

"That's stupid! Just because you liked him before me doesn't mean you should date him! I like him more then you! I love him! So, I should be the one to date him!" Kageyama snapped harshly back. If it were possible his eyes would turn red from how enraged his was and he would have steam coming out his ears. Who did Hinata think he was to have some claim over the guy Kageyama loved? "You're a bigger idiot then I thought you were!"

The male in question they were talking about was their friend, [name]. He wasn't on the team but would come to cheer them on from the stands. He was sweet, hilarious and ungodly attractive. It wasn't a surprise to anyone that he had caught both boys attention.

"Well, you're a bigger dick then I thought you were! And guess what? [name] doesn't date dicks!" Hinata seethed.

Tanaka snorted and raised his hand, "well, actually - "

"Shut up!" Both boys shouted back. The first time they had both agreed on something. They didn't want to hear the opinions of the other teammates. They only cared about what [name] thought and they were both convinced that he was in love with one of them.

Kageyama grabbed the front of Hinata's shirt and pulled him foreword, growling in his face. "Listen here you little runt! [name] will never feel for you the same way he feels for me. That's just a fact. Give up now because you're just going to get hurt in the long run if you keep up this little fantasy of you two."

Hinata scoffed, not backing down. He didn't care if Kageyama was taller and towered over him. He had never backed down before and he wasn't going to start now. Especially when it came to [name]. "You're not even together, Kageyama and you think you are. You're the one that's living in a fantasy."

"That's enough!" Sugawara grabbed onto Kageyama's hand and pulled it from Hinata's shirt. "You're both acting like children and you know if [name] saw you like this, he'd lose interest in both of you."

Even though he was speaking the truth, Kageyama and Hinata stilled glared at each other and insults spewed from their mouth. Sugawara knew how passionate they got when it came to [name] but this was too much. If it kept ongoing, he was afraid it would tear the team apart and he just couldn't have that.

"That's it. This isn't happening anymore. Tomorrow, after the game, you are both going to talk to [name] and tell him how you feel. Then he will choose who he wants and the one who isn't chosen has to suck it up and move on. Got it." He looked at them through narrowed eyes, daring them to challenge him.

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