★ | 196. sweet vs sour, haikyuu

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 196: Sweet Vs Sour, Haikyuu
Word Count: 1045

Inside the small bedroom of the house, there were a bunch of volleyball players having a sleepover

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Inside the small bedroom of the house, there were a bunch of volleyball players having a sleepover. They thought, seeing as they had a big game coming up, that one night of relaxation was something they needed.

There was a movie playing on the screen and they all watched with intensity, making small quips here and there about how stupid it was. [name] on the other hand was cowering behind a pillow, fingers covering his eyes as he whimpered.

"Why did we have to watch a horror? You guys know how much I hate them - " He was cut off when a loud scream played from the television and a scream of his own left his lips.

Kageyama snickered and said, "you're such a wimp. This movie is to stupid to even be remotely scary."

Asahi looked at the scared boy sympathetically and opened his long arms. "Did you want a hug? It might make you feel better."

[name] looked at him with wide eyes, thinking about how kind the giant was. And how could he say no to snuggling with a oversized teddy bear? He went to stood up but stopped when a certain male glared at him.

"He's not that much of a baby that he needs to snuggle with you." Kageyama hissed. "Can you all just shut up and watch the goddamn movie."

"He was just being nice, Kageyama. There was no need to snap at us." Tanaka hissed at him back, not liking the boys attitude. "Who cares if [name] wants to snuggle with him. You homophobic or something? Can't stand seeing two guys cuddle."

"I'm not homophobic!" Kageyama's face went red.

"Let's just all calm down." [name] said, holding up his hands and smiling softly. "We're not talking about this anymore. We are watching this movie, okay?" Tanaka and Kageyama continued to glare at each other but didn't say another word.

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Hours had passed by and everyone was asleep, except for Yu who had just woken up. A yawn left his mouth and he sat up, rubbing at his eyes. It was only then that he noticed there were two missing bodies from the room.

Kageyama and [name].

With furrowed eyebrows, he stood up to go looking for them. He hoped they hadn't gone somewhere to fight... no, he couldn't see that happening with [name]. He had never even heard [name] raise his voice. He was to nice of a person.

That's why he would never understand how him and Kageyama were friends. While Kageyama was full of negativity, [name] was full of positivity. A friendship between people like that just shouldn't work but somehow, it did for them.

He kept walking until he could hear quiet whispers. He walked up to the room they were coming from and slowly opened the door, his hand freezing at the sight. Kageyama and [name] kissing.

Kageyama was sat a top of the washing machine, arms wrapped around [name]'s neck as [name] stood between his legs. [name] would pull back every so often to whisper something in his ear and giggle.

Kageyama put his hand over [name]'s mouth and said, "you're laugh is so loud. You're going to wake up the others."

[name] grabbed his hand and pulled it away from his mouth with a pout. "I thought you loved my laugh."

"I do but not when there's a chance someone could catch us." If only he knew someone had already caught them and was hearing every word.

Yu smirked, stepping away from the door and rubbing his hands together. This was to good of a secret and since he was the only one who knew it, he felt a sense of power run through him.

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The next morning, Yu was sitting at the dining room table in front of his breakfast, staring across the table at Kageyama. He cleared his throat and decided to have a little fun. "So, Kageyama. I have a question for you." The black haired male looked up tiredly. "If you had to date anyone of us, who would you choose?"

The juice that was in Kageyama's mouth was suddenly on the table in front of him as he spat it out. His eyes turned into a glare and he snapped, "why would you ask me that? Obviously I would chose none of you. You all disgust me."

Yu hummed and looked towards the kitchen where [name] was dancing around in his pink apron that said kiss the chef on it as he cooked more food. "Really? You would chose none of us?" He questioned.

"Why's that so hard to believe?" Kageyama sniped.

Yu held up his hands in defence, looking away from the kitchen. "I don't know. I thought you might have chosen [name]. I mean, if I had to date someone, I would chose him." He could see Kageyama getting tenser the more he spoke. He was having to much fun with this.

"There's no way." Tanaka shook his head. "Kageyama and [name] would never date. I mean, I could see him dating Hinata more then him dating Kageyama the sour puss." He laughed loudly. The rest of the team agreed with the statement, except for Hinata, who was a blushing mess.

"Aw, look at Hinata. Do you have a crush on [name]?" Sugawara gushed, squeezing his cheek. "It's okay. I did once to."

Asahi raised his hand and said, "so, did I. I mean, he's just so sweet. I don't know how he hasn't gotten a boyfriend yet."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Kageyama stood up, slamming his hands down on the table.

"Why are you so angry?" Yu tilted his head, acting clueless.

"Because me and [name] are dating and if any one of you try to come onto him I will stab you in your sleep!" The black haired male threatened, making them all go silent, not believing the information they were hearing.

"The bacons done!" [name] called cheerfully, walking over to the table and putting down the large plate. "Look, I also got some new flowers, aren't they pretty?" He put the red roses on the table before looking around. "Uh, why is it so quiet?"

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