Chapter 1 ~ To Japan

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As I walk down the halls, the sound of my boots echoing on the marble floor can be heard. Stopping in front of large double doors with ornately carved wood and gold handles. My knuckles rapped on the polished dark wood and the voice of someone on the other side can be heard replying.


Guards on either side grab hold of a handle and pull to reveal the grand throne room. Mosaic windows let the last of the days light shine through with a beautifully painted marble ceiling to compliment the colours dancing on the floor. Red and gold lined carpet stretches the length of the room to a luxurious gold throne sitting on top wide steps. On top of said throne sits a dark-skinned and blonde vampire with his usual blank expression.

"You requested my presence, Lord Geales?" My sweet, angelic voice asks, bouncing of the walls in a harmonious way.

"Yes. Recently many problems are popping up in Japan that require immediate attention, so you are to go to Japan and investigate everything happening there. Report all your finding to me and deal with any issues if need be."

"Of course, my lord." I reply, trying to contain your excitement for the chance to see a very special, certain someone.

"Good. You'll leave tomorrow morning at seven." The second progenitor says before dismissing me with a wave of his hand.

Once out of sight I joyfully skip down the halls humming a happy tune, dismissing any odd looks being thrown my way.

I open the door to my room with a little too much force, so it bangs on the wall and immediately start to pack anything of importance or need. Just when I'm zipping up my final suitcase, someone knocks on my door. "Come in!" I say, pushing the bags in front of the door out of the way.

"I heard you're going to Japan tomorrow." Leaning on the doorway is fifth progenitor, Ky Luc.

"Yes, I leave tomorrow." I answer, with a delighted and sheer smile.

"Oh, are you exited then? It has been awhile since you left Russia I believe."

"Of course! Though that isn't quite why I'm looking forward to this mission."

"Well, have fun and come back soon. It will be boring without you here to lighten things up." He says before turning to leave.

"I will. But don't count on seeing me too soon, kay?" I yell to my friends retreating back.

With that I do a final check to make sure nothing was left out and my eyes glance to a sword hidden under my bed, so it was kept out of sight. The blade is slim but long since it's designed for a fencing type sword style. The gold handle had beautiful patterns carved along its cup shaped guard and knuckle guard that curls around the pommel.

The sheath is a simple dark brown that could easily be mistaken for black. More gold adorns the top and almost illegible writing was hidden along its side in an old, forgotten language.

It wasn't anything special and certainly wouldn't be any use in a fight against a fellow vampire. Yet I could never bring myself to throw it away despite the fact our kind are not supposed to have any emotions.

I actually can't remember where it came from. All I know is I've had it since I was turned and kept it close even though I can't ever recall using it once.

I merely sigh and put it back in its hiding place then walk off to drink my fill of blood before tomorrows flight.


It is 6:57 in the morning and I am waiting for the plane to take off so we can be in Japans vampire capital as soon as possible.

A few of my subordinates are joining me on this mission and are either talking merrily amongst the other passengers or trying to sink into their seat and stay out of sight.

The first is Andree, a tall woman at six foot eight and looks to be in her early-30's. Her reddish-brown hair is styled into a bob cut to compliment her roundish face. Gold sleepers were pierced into her ear lope, so it is easy to tell she's had them a long time.

The next is a Russian man in his mid-20's with messy brown hair that clearly needed a good brush. Three marks were under his right eye and dorky smile on his face as he annoyed the last of my subordinates accompanying me on this mission.

The angry young girl had straight black hair that was neatly cut halfway down her eyeline. Pale skin and seemingly frail body made me wonder if she was a life size Japanese doll at times. A burn scar ran up the left side of her neck stopping just below her ear and thankfully barely showing on her cheek.

But I tune out the slight racket, lost in my own thoughts of what do once I reach Sanguinem.

The plane finally takes off and my hidden giddy excitement builds up as the aircraft breaks through the clouds and onto Japan.


We are nearing our destination and I cannot wait to stretch my numb legs after such a long flight (if vampires even can get pins and needles that is).

The whole flight has been quite uninteresting for me since despite being my subordinates most of the other passengers were too scared, sat too far away or just too busy making themselves invisible to talk to a seventh progenitor. So, I was left alone for the whole flight in complete and utter boredom (not like inflight movies still exist anymore).

There is a slight jolt as the plane touches down and I immediately stand up to get some feeling back in my legs.

After a while, the doors finally open and the direct sunlight coming from them blinded me for a second, forcing me to hiss slightly but not loud enough for anyone to notice (at least I hope not).

A small, playful smirk found its way to my lips and quietly I mutter under my breath, "Well Japan, here I come!"

A small, playful smirk found its way to my lips and quietly I mutter under my breath, "Well Japan, here I come!"

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