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Lynne's POV-

I just finished calling all the girls telling them to come home. Christina and Kathrine would be the first to arrive in 4 hours give or take. Lisa and Dani would arrive tomorrow morning, while Amy and Lauren would get here in the evening. When I first heard that they didn't talk to each other anymore it hurt me a lot. I thought that they would always be there for each other, but apparently I was wrong. I just hope this break for them would all work out.

3rd person POV-

After the phone call Christina had with Lynne she called out of work for a week. She called her husband Nick to tell him what was happening and they agreed to leave after he got home from work and got his days off.

After she picked up Hope from daycare she told her what was happening in the best way she could. An hour later Nick got home, greeted Chris and Hope and went to pack.  They left for Lynne's house thirty minutes later.

Once Kathrine closed the bakery she told her employee's that she wouldn't be at work for a week. She called Max on the way home because she knew he picked up the kids, to tell him what was happening  By time she got home Max had already packed the kids bags and his own, that's why she loved him he knew what to do and how to help her. They left for Lynne's house 15 minutes later.

  Lisa told Chad immediately after the phone call because his band wasn't meeting for today so he was home.  They booked the earliest flight from Florida to Nashville, it was from 6:05 A.M till 9:25 A.M.  They made something to eat and hung out the whole day until 7:30 then set an alarm for 5:25 A.M and went to sleep.

  Amy arrived at home a couple of hours after the phone call. She first went and dropped off her suitcase then went to greet her horses. "Hey, girl." she said rubbing under her chin. After she went and booked the earliest flight to Nashville, TN.

Lauren passed out once she got home forgetting about the phone call momentarily. Once she woke up she looked at the earliest flights and started packing. She made sure to pack her songbook and some recording equipment for of inspiration came over her.

Dani called Emmyn while in the process of booking flight tickets. Telling him about what was happening she moved onto packing her suitcase. She packed what she needed for work along with her clothes. Once Emmyn got home he packed and they made dinner then went to bed because they had to wake up really early for their flight.

They all were ready to see one another again, but were scared and hoping for the best.

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