Chapter 9: The Backstory

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Update (12/17/20): Small conversation change, minor sentence changes, grammatical errors were fixed.

Update v.2 (03/17/23): Grammatical errors were fixed.

       Jasper looked as if she was about to shit bricks. Why does she look so nervous? This is out of character for her... "My, my, (y/n), why didn't you tell me you were bringing such an attractive friend?" Jasper's face exploded into a deep shade of orange, her eyes darting to her feet as she stiffened.

       "M-Mom! You're embarrassing her..." Your mom waved you off and let out a giggle, covering her mouth as she did so.

       "Oh, hush! A girl like her couldn't possibly be embarrassed. Look at her!" Your mother approached Jasper, sliding a hand up her bicep and gasping. "Jesus! How much do you work out?" your mother asked, squeezing Jasper's arm gently. Jasper's face turned an even deeper shade of orange. You facepalmed, blushing at your mother's embarrassing antics. Jasper shrugged in response to your mother's question, causing the petite woman to giggle again. "Oh, she's so shy, it's adorable! Come on, girls, I know you're probably tired from your trip." You stepped backward farther into your mother's apartment as she pulled the blushing gem with her. You closed the front door and locked it, exhaling loudly. Your mom's penthouse suite was enormous. The living room was very spacious, as was the kitchen. A rose-pink couch sat neatly against the wall with small decorative pillows to match. The rug in front of the sofa was pearly white, covering most of the plain, light brown carpet. A flat-screen TV was mounted against the wall with a simple white, marble-topped entertainment center under it, with various flower vases, remotes, and other knickknacks on top.

       "Did you speed clean when I texted you, Mom," you asked, chuckling as you slipped your sandals off. Your mom laughed, sitting on the couch next to Jasper, who was practically shivering in her seat.

       "No dear, I had a maid service come in yesterday morning while I was doing a show. They did a fantastic job too." You shook your head, a small smile on your face as you walked into the kitchen/dining area. The dining area was to the right of the kitchen, with a six-seated glass table in the middle of the room. You raised an eyebrow, looking back to your mom.

       "Is this table new?"

       "Oh yes, yes, I just got it maybe...a month ago? It's stylish, don't you think?" You giggled, nodding.

       "Yeah, I like it. I also see that you got new countertops as well." You ran your fingers over the perfectly polished beige marble that topped the salmon-colored island and matching cabinets in your mom's kitchen. The walls in this part of the apartment weren't pink (thank God...), but she still found ways to incorporate the color as much as possible.

       "Why, thank you, sweetheart. But (y/n), let's get you and...," your mother paused, looking at Jasper expectantly. The large gem stiffened again, making eye contact with your mom. "I didn't get your name, baby...what was it again?"

       "I-It's Jasper..."

       "Jasper...that's a beautiful name," your mother commented with a smile. You couldn't lie. It did make you a little jealous that Jasper allowed your mother to call her by her real name instead of using a nickname or putting a title in front of it. You huffed quietly, crossing your arms. "Well, like I was saying, let's get you two to the room you'll be sharing."

       "Sharing," you and Jasper both exclaimed in unison. Your mother looked between the both of you, laughing shortly after.

       "Oh, you two are so cute! But yes, you'll be sharing a room. I'm sure it's big enough for the both of you."

Jasper x Fem! Reader (NOT FINISHED, may continue at a later date)Where stories live. Discover now