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The cage was quiet, the teenaged boy sat by the door eyeing the large empty room that he was unable to reach, his bowl of water sat stagnant, an awful smell beginning to come out of it, his food bowl has long since been empty, his rags of a bed and the corner smelled awfully of urine and feces.

He was unfazed, waiting for someone to finally come into the large room and notice him.

He dreamt of times before this, fleeing from the invaders with his parents, the war, being kidnapped, being locked away, the screaming and thumping upstairs of his captors, then silence, nobody came down since.

His body was skin and bones, his hair a fading brown and his grey eyes dull, he was tired but resisted the urge to sleep, beginning to fear he'd never wake up again.

The faintest sound could be heard, a shuffling from up above, it became louder and the sounds stopped at the doors to the basement, the door squealed open, bright light filtered in, painful to Justin's eyes as his only light had been the dull light from the tiny muck covered window on the other side of the room.

He hissed through his teeth and closed his eyes, footsteps echoed down into the crummy room, sniffing could be heard, he blinked his eyes opened and saw himself face to face with a wolf, he stammered and flinched backwards, not having any strength to actually move.

The wolf turned into a man, blue eyed and bearded, he gazed at the boy pityingly, Justin prepared himself for his fate to be killed by the invader, he looked around, defeat etched into his eyes, he gazed at the other two in the room, one was probably a vampire, while the other was unknown, the werewolf stood up quickly, making Justin flinch, the chain on the cage door was rattled before it was torn off.

Justin gaped at it, fear making his weakened heart flutter, it swung the door open and entered, carefully and slowly approaching the boy, who closed his eyes and waited for his head to be bashed in.

His body was picked up and he weakly fell against the creatures body, he had no strength to fight, nor did he want to, he was carried out, his arms swinging down loosely, he made eye contact with the orange eyed vampire with pointed ears, it sharp toothed mouth open with a look of horror.

The other was a female, she had teary eyes, none said a word, he was rushed out, the werewolf taking the steps 3 at a time.

The outside world was bright and colourful, hurting Justin's sensitive eyes, he let out a faint mewl and the werewolf ran a rugged hand over the boys back, someone stood by a van, eyeing the scene sadly.

"We'll need to get it home, let's go" muttered the one at the van, Justin was gently laid out in the back of the van, everyone else clambered in and the van slowly took off.

He didn't know what to do, the humans that kidnapped him had claimed he'll be used to further the human population, saying they'd find the perfect girl, back then all Justin could think of was the fear they'd choose a young child, the crazed look in their eyes was enough to prove his fears.

Now the very ones who caused the world to change stood above him, muttering amongst themselves.

"Yuna, we can't give up on it! It still has a chance to survive!" Exclaimed the vampire, the girl gazed at Justin tearfully.

"It's in to bad of a condition, and we're not taking the animal in, it'll need to go into a shelter even if it does survive" explained Yuna, her voice cracking.

"Grey! You can't agree with her!" Whined the vampire, his black hair a mess on his head.

The werewolf shook his head, he opened his mouth slowly to speak, "it'll live, I'll... We'll make sure of it!" Promised Grey.

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