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Wendy POV

Allowing my hand to continue moving as the tip of my pen brushing against the paper and with my chin resting on my other hand, I didn't notice that word by word continued to appear on this piece of paper. My mind was totally blank and nowhere to be found. Even though I was sitting in the classroom full of people, my mind was somewhere else.


I quickly snapped out of my thought and looked up, I saw my bestfriend was standing in front of me with her hand on her hips while pouting. Seemed like she was standing here for several minutes already, guessing from her facial expression.

"I've been calling you for five times!" she said then pouted again, "Didn't you hear the bell ringing already?"

"Ohhh.." I said then blinked my eyes several times.

"Don't you want to have lunch, unnie?! I'm hungry. Hurry up pack your things." She clapped her hands, telling me to move faster.

"Sorry, joy-ah." I chuckled then quickly put my things inside my bag.

"Hurry up, Wendy unnie!" she said then she turned around, walking towards the door with her bag on her back.

"Yes.. Yes.. Wait." I got up from my chair then followed her along.

Joy is my bestfriend and my neighbor too. Joy was tall, even taller than me and she was skinny, she has a beautiful shiny black hair that suit her white skin perfectly, and Joy was a popular girl because she was in the cheerleading squad in my school. Even though she is younger than me, she would come to my classroom and we would have lunch together. She preferred to have lunch with me instead of her cheer squad for unknown reason maybe she liked me more than I could imagine. So it happened everyday, same routine at the same time.

Joy and I were walking through the hallway when I saw her, the love of my life. The IT girl, many people said. She was called the IT girl because she was very gorgeous, her smile can melt you like an ice cube in summer time as quickly as it could be; and when she looked at you, it felt like the whole world stopped spinning and your heart definitely stopped beating.

She was extremely popular, although she didn't know everyone but everyone definitely knew her. Junior and senior you name it, everyone knew who the IT girl in this school. Though unlike Joy, she wasn't tall like any other students but even with her petite posture, she still has an amazing figure and another special thing about her is that she can dance. I saw her dancing the other day when she was cheerleading and her move was so smooth and sexy at the same time. She also has a long black hair and very smooth milky skin, she was so pale and unlike any other normal students whom usually have darker skin.

I could list more amazing things about the love of my life but something kicked in when Joy linked her arms with mine, I just realized that I actually staring at her for I don't know how long as I continued mesmerize by her beauty.

Joy pulled my body closer towards her before whispering, "Stop staring! Irene unnie already noticed you."

Joy chuckled at me and I quickly looked away from Irene without saying anything, trying to hide my red cheek after getting caught staring.

Yes, that IT girl that I was describing earlier, her name was Irene. She was walking toward my direction while holding her book closer to her chest. She was all alone and her friends were nowhere near her.

"Awweeee, you are so cute unnie." Said Joy and her other hand moved closer towards my cheek before pinched it slowly, "You are blushing."

"Yah! I'm not." I laughed embarrassingly then pulled my face away from her hand as I continued walking towards the cafeteria, which located behind Irene.

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