Chapter 2 of ?

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(The picture above is Got7's headquarters)

After what felt like an eternity of driving, (which was really only about an hour and a half) they had reached their destination. Jay B gently removed his hand from Wooyoung before looking over to speak.
Here we are, this is our headquarters for my gang called Got7. I know it probably wasn't what you were expecting but the less attention we attract the better. It's the inside that counts now isn't it?
He said with a little smile.
I know this guy is going to be selling my body, but why dose he have to be so nice and charming- that's just not fair. It's making it literally impossible to hate him.
Wooyoung thought while a little pout was forming on his face.
Now what's that pout for, I promise we'll treat you good...for the time being.
Jay held a somewhat unsettling smile on his face as if he was thinking of something, but it soon changed into his usual comforting face that I have  seen this whole drive.
I hope you find your stay here pleasant, it'll probably be short lived though. People like you never stay long enough to know what life here is actually like. Luckily for you it looks like that won't be the case here.
Why is this man like this, one minute he's welcoming and the next he sounds like he is gonna sell my body to other people....oh wait-
Anyways follow this guys right here, he'll lead you to your containment center with the others and there you'll get trained and prepped for the auction that's in a weeks time, hopefully you won't need that much training though....
As Jackson said that he briefly looked Wooyoung up and down with a sinister smile before bidding his goodbyes then walking away. The new man Jay B had showed Wooyoung to follow grabbed him seconds after Jay had turned away and yanked woo somewhere. It wasn't long before Wooyoung started asking the new man questions.
Umm, excuse me but who are you ? what's happening? Where are you taking me? What is the auction Jay B keeps talking about?! WHAT DO I NEED TO BE TRAINED FOR?!
After yelling that last question wooyoung was roughly shoved against the wall with a had gripping his neck and hair
IF YOU KEEP TALKING, YOU'ER NOT GOING TO LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW WHAT THE AUCTION IS. But if answering you will shut you up than fine I'll answer some of your questions. I'm Jackson and your currently being taken to your "room" and where you are going to be taught how you're going to live your life from now on. Now let's go.
Jackson then released his grip on both Wooyoung's hair and throat causing him to collapse on the ground and gasp for air; bruises already forming on his neck.
Jackson quickly picked San up and they continued on their way. It wasn't long before they reached the door with Wooyoung still shaken up from what had just occurred. Just before knocking on the door Jackson turned back to look at Wooyoung with pity and sorrow evident in his eyes and said,
If you know what's good for you, you'll take what just happened as an example and behave while your here. Be obedient and maybe you'll make it out of here the way you came in. Alive.
He knocked on the door and it opened immediately after.
At the door frame stood man. He and Jackson were talking to each other, apparently his name is jinyoung. Why are both looking at me now? I guess Jackson Is leaving. Here we go again I guess.
So your the new guy huh?..... that's terrible, sucks to be you right about now. Well here's how things work around here. You behave, you won't get beaten too badly got it? good. While you're here you will be trained to be seductive, appealing, and learn how to please buyers in anyway possible, mostly sexually. In this world nobody cares about you anymore, so you will let them do what they want and try to survive. We will not start getting complaints because of your poor service, you got it? So pay attention and do everyone a favor and just give up while your ahead.
Wooyoung shook his head quickly and looked back up to jinyoung and pleaded
NO PLEASE DON'T DO THIS IM ONLY 20!!PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU im barely starting college, I've never even been in a relationship, and my family trades me for their freedom without my knowledge 20 years of torture I've spent living with them,PleAsE IM-I'm begging you...please.
Wooyoung had been carried away by security to a dark room. They threw him on what felt like a dainty mattress on the cold floor. They then proceeded to kick and punch him everywhere, and Wooyoung could swear it felt more painful than all of the beatings he had received from his parents combined. Maybe his emotional and mental pain that was making it 10 times worse. Woo was bleeding from different places as his insides felt like they were turning into mush, every bone in his body felt broken, which they probably were. Wooyoung felt as if he was gonna die right then and there. It was as if they wanted this beating to be engraved into his memory. They wanted everyone to see what despicable, malicious things they had done. By the time they were done Wooyoung was on the floor, barley moving. The others in the room just watched, and did nothing as Wooyoung was laying down and probably dying for all they knew. They were just happy that it wasn't them this time around. The room was completely silent. All that could be heard was Wooyoung's crying and trembling breathing. That is until a door opening caught everyone's attention as light poured into the small dim room. All of the sudden that same happy voice from earlier broke the terrifying silence by saying,
Good news boys!! The auction has been moved to tonight! Actually I mean in 30 minutes, so get up and get ready because some of our best customers are out there! Good luck guys hope you get picked, bye bye loves.
Just as he was about to turn away, he spots Wooyoung who was still laying down. He carefully walks over to him and crouches down beside him. Gently caressing Wooyoung's hair he take a good look at him and said,
Well I thought I told you to behave, only then will you be ok but Noo you go and throw yourself at Jackson's BOYFRIEND! What a shame too, you would have made me so much money.
JB grads a fist full of Wooyoung's hair and yanks his head back bringing a gun to his Adam's apple before saying,
If you don't get sold in TONIGHTS Auction , then if not me then Jackson Will make sure you aren't alive by tomorrow.
JB carelessly removes the gun from Wooyoung's neck and turns to leave out the door while saying,
Good luck everyone! you have 20 minutes to clean yourself up and be on stage. Bye bye now.
He leaves with a satisfied Jackson trailing behind him with his arms wrapped around jinyoung.
Not long after, some people come in to gather everyone and take them towards the auction venue, not forgetting to drag Wooyoung  bruised body along with them.

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