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"So tell me about your life," Lauren asks Damon as the drive on a long empty road.
"Well it started 100 and so years ago, I had a brother,dad, mother and lover, then I died, but I didn't really, I woke up as a vampire." He stops and looks at Lauren.
"Is that enough?" He asks and looks back at the road.
"Ok I know what happen to your girlfriend, but what happen to your family?"
He looks at her then out the window. "Dead"
(End flashback)

Damon gets in his car and I follows.
"Damon what is going on." I ask and close his car door.
"Klaus has my.." I interrupt him.
"I thought your family is dead." I ask and he looks at me then starts the car.
"Well I meant dead to me." I still was a little confused. "Why does he have your brother?"
"I don't know, we aren't on Klaus's best side."
" What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"We tried to kill him and his family a couple times." he said with a sly smile.
" Damon! That's why he took your brother?"
"It might be.. or it is because he wants this," he said then pulled out a stake with melted metal on it.
" What is that?" I ask trying to grab it.
"Not so fast" he pulls it away and puts it back in his jacket. "This is the only thing that can kill Klaus."
"Sorry to burst your bubble, but Klaus can't die from a stake." I tell him and he smiles.
"This isn't just a stake, it is a white oak stake" he says with a laugh.
"WHITE OAK!!" I yelled
"Now you get why he has them?" I didn't answer I just looked out the window. Damon has something that can kill Klaus or some one in his family. And Klaus has his Damon's famliy. I need that stake, but Damon won't give it to me, I know damon thinks I will give it to Klaus or something. I can't use my magic yet. But I need that stake.
I was pulled out of my thinking when Damon stops the car and says that we are here.
"Where are we?" I asked. It is a building that looks like it is about to break down.
" This is where Klaus told us to come." he says as we start walking toward the buliding.
" I think I should stay here so Klaus won't do anything crazy" I tell Damon but he just disappears.
I wonder what Klaus is going to do to them when he get the stake back. he can't get the stake back. If I get that stake I can use it over him. I hear a loud scream from inside the building. I don't know if I should go in, but I don't want to miss Klaus again so I start running into it. When I run though the door I see a trail of blood on the floor. I keep running down the hall till I get to a large open door. I hear Damon, Klaus and another man talking, and the cries of someone.
"Just let her go we will give you the stake Klaus," a deep voice I have never hear before says.
"I think I am going to kill you all and take the stake." Klaus says evilly.
I look though the open window into the large room. Klaus has a girl by her neck up against a wall. I assume that she is the girl who screamed earlier. She is crying and trying to get a lose from him. I kinda feel bad for the girl, trap by Klaus.

Lauren runs though the forest fast as she can, jumping over branches on the floor crying.
"Niklaus!!! Niklaus!!! Niklaus!!!" She screams as she runs. She stops when she see him lying on the floor with blood coming out if his mouth, and body.
"Niklaus!! Goodness Nik what happened." She screams and rolls him to his back. He winces and tears rolls down his eyes.
(end flashback)

Klaus bites the girl then throws her across the room. before Damon could try to get her Klaus was in front of him. He grabbed him by the neck, then something in me happened. I felt like I had to save Damon. I don't know why, maybe because he is my oldest friend, but I decided to help him. with in seconds I was in the middle of Damon in Klaus. I grabbed the stake from inside of Damon's jacket and put it against Klaus's chest.
"MOVE BACK KLAUS!!" I yelled and Klaus walked back, looking like he just saw a ghost.
"You don't know what you are doing," he tells me though his teeth.
"You are not going to kill him, he is my friend." I say and push the stake into his chest harder. He backs up a little more. I turn to Damon and say "get them and leave I got him."
Damon runs over to the bleeding girl and picks her up. I look at Klaus again.
"Why must you always kill?" I ask him. He doesn't answer, he just looks at them leave.
When the disappear from the room I lower the stake for him. He turns around like he was going to leave.
"Don't you dare, I am not in the mood to have to look for you again." I say and grab his arm. He stops looks at me then grabs my arms push back against wall, looks me in the eyes and says,
"Why are you here Lauren?"
I push him off of me and say "You know why I am here Klaus, we are alone now, stop acting like you don't." I say and walk away from the wall.
"To kill me I assume," he says and leans on the wall.
"It's no that easy, you deserve so much more then a stake to the heart." I say and he looks away from me.
"That girl looks like some one I knew once." I say and he gets up from the wall.
"She a doppelgänger isn't she, that's how you broke your spell." I say and he looks at me confused.
"How.." I interrupt.
" You seem different and stronger." I tell him.
I few seconds of silence came. All this time looking for him and now I have nothing to say.
"W..wh..why...... Klaus?" I ask then look away from him. He doesn't answer. I turn back to him and he is looking down.
"ANSWER ME!!! WHY DID YOU DO IT! WHY ME, WHY ME KLAUS." I yell with tear fighting me to come out.
"If you are going to kill me do it now or let me leave" he says and looks at me.
" I won't kill you or let to leave till you tell me why." I say as I walk to him.
"I see you are using you powers again." he says with a smile.
" Answer me Niklaus, stop trying to change the subject." I tell him.
He looks away again. I tear falls from my eye and I wipe it fast.
"Come on, let's go," I say waving the stake in my hand.
"Where are we going?" He asks me. I looks at him then turn towards the door.
"Back to where you left me to die, so you can explain to me why." I say and start walk out the building and he follows.

(I love the next chapter so much hope you guys will too. I am so happy you guys are reading my story. thank you so much 😘)

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