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The bright green leaves that were once visible were now gone and crinkled with brown hues spread across itself

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The bright green leaves that were once visible were now gone and crinkled with brown hues spread across itself. The scorching heat was replaced with the chilly light wind that brushed against nothing but the air itself.

The small stadium-like area was empty, there were no cheers of people but whistles of the turning wind. The empty red pavement with white lines was filled with crisp leaves decorating the flat place and two feet stood still at the starting mark.

The girl who wore her running shoes sighed as she looked at the empty track. Her heart pounded as she got in her running positioned. Recreating her race from the year before, she imagined the roaring screams around her.

People cheered on her for her, screaming her name- wanting her to win. Bright lights were on, and it was night. Listening for the gun, as it shot up in the air, she pushed off the line and ran towards the finish line.

She heaved in steady breaths, her legs throbbing and the wind brushing against her cheeks. Her eyes were trained on the finishing line and as she closed her eyes, she increased her speed and opened her eyes once she stopped. 

The girl had successfully crossed the line and she squealed. Looking around, the people who supported her jumped up and down. As soon as she spotted her mother- a bright and wide smile was plastered on her face.

Smiling to herself, the girl bowed and as she stood up again, she looked at the empty seats. The bright sun rose in the sky with the baby blue and rose pink sky.

"Hwayoung! Come over! You're gonna get cold if you stay out there for too long!" Her friend exclaimed from the hallway of the school.

Hwayoung sighed and nodded her head to her friend. She started to walk away from the school's outdoor little stadium and into the hallways of the warm school.

She had forgotten that today was the first day of Autumn. A start to another season. 

The season that is semi-cold. Hwayoung looked out the windows and admired the stadium- her heart wanting just another second to stand in there.

To feel the adrenaline of her racing heartbeat. To feel the exhilarating excitement of winning again and again.

"Jay and I are going to the cafe! Wanna join us?" Her friend asked as she wore her coat.

"Sure! Also, it's not that cold Iris!" Hwayoung said with a grin.

"It is for me!" Iris retorted and walked out of the school.

They walked out of the school and into the early cold morning. The sun now hid behind huge puffy clouds and clearly the sky looked dim.

"Wow, so this is what it looks like at six in the morning!" Iris says as she admired the calm sky.

"Pfft. If you could just wake up on time, maybe you would've already known about this." Hwayoung said.

Her hands were in her athletic jersey as the cold wind blew in their faces. Iris also wore the same jersey.

Hastily, the two girls made their way to the cozy cafe and found their way to where Jay sat.

"You know, I didn't know that you would look so different with jet black hair," Iris said to Jay.

"Yeah, and I didn't know you were an early bird." Jay mocked Iris.

"Hey! I need sleep okay? This fashionista can't go anywhere without her beauty sleep." Iris remarked.

"Whatever you say, miss fashionista." Hwayoung joked.

Iris pouted for a few seconds but they all laughed it off. Hwayoung drank from her paper cup and sighed in content from the warmth spreading in her body.

"I better not be late." 

The boy who was in an all-black outfit walked into popular the cafe and walked towards a table at the back of the cafe. He had chestnut hair, black sunglasses on, a black hoodie and black pants.

He sat in his seat and as his eyes scanned the place, the boy tried to look for his target. The cafe was light blue with mostly students around from high school to college.

"This is supposed to be a quick mission Chenle. Don't worry about being late for school." Renjun said through his earpiece.

"He does know that we all go to the same school. Right?"Jisung said through his phone as he stood in front of the counter.

"I'm looking out for everyone Jisung~" Chenle teased Jisung.

"Whatever," Jisung mumbled under his breath.

Chenle chuckled and his grip on his drink tightened as his eyes laid on the two young adults that had unusual hair. They both stood out like two defenceless prey in an empty field.

"I see them," Chenle whispered, eyeing them like a predator.

"Alright. Simply ask them for the file. Nothing else. No other words. No other interactions. Got it?" Renjun strictly said.

"Gosh, why so many requests?" Jisung questioned.

"Jisung, I'm the one who's doing the work," Chenle said.

Slowly, Chenle got up from his seat and threw his drink away. Subtly, he walked up to the two blue-haired civilians and looked at them.

"May I help you?" The girl asked, irritated.

"Yes, you may," Chenle answered and slid a small piece of folded paper on the table.

The man took the paper and read the writing on it. He looked at Chenle and then to the girl, showing a sign of unsettlement.

"Here." the man slid the file towards Chenle.

As he picked up the file he went to open it up but was stopped by the girl. She got up and left the table.

"We're late to something." She said and with the man, they left.

"Jisung, trail them." Renjun said.

Jisung followed the orders whilst Chenle slowly made his way to the exit door but as he walked over, he stopped becoming suspicious of the two unusual people's leave.

Looking back, Chenle took his sunglasses off and walked back to the table and found a bomb attached to the bottom of the table.

Hastily he looked around.

"THERE'S A BOMB!" he shouted and everyone screamed.

Hwayoung got up from her seat with her friends and as she tried to run- it was too late. She was engulfed.

 She was engulfed

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