Chapter 21

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Ivy laughed raucously at the revelation.

Olivia attempted to approach Elsa, her arms outstretched. "I'm so sorry, Elsa. I never meant for any of this to happen."

But Elsa backed away, hurt and betrayal clouding her face. "You lied to me! You betrayed my trust...whatever happened to all that talk about respect? And why did you kidnap my sister?"

"Oh come, think about it," said Ivy, tapping a finger to her temple and walking to stand with Olivia. "I couldn't just take you down on my own. It would be too messy. But add someone you love to the equation...and I didn't have to do much else. You did most of the heavy lifting for me."

Ivy placed a hand on Olvia's shoulder. Overcome with guilt, Olivia slightly flinched at the touch, and kept her eyes facing downward.

Rage, however, consumed Elsa.  She launched a wave of ice at Ivy and Olivia, but Ivy deflected it with her wind, causing it to nearly coat the wall of the cave with ice.

"Olivia?" said Ivy.

Olivia stood still and remained looking at the floor.

"Olivia!" barked Ivy. "Subdue her. That's an order." this time the eye on the same side of her face as her tattoo began to glow yellow. Olivia cried out in pain and her hands went to her head.

At last she looked at Elsa, and outstretched one of her hands to launch a fire ball that knocked Elsa off of her feet and into the wall, where she then crumpled to the ground.

"Elsa!" Anna ran to her sister's side; all the while, Yves cried inconsolably.

As Anna tried to help Elsa back to her feet, Ivy shook her head and clicked her tongue, disappointed.

"Tch, tch,'s apparent you haven't learned how to effectively control your emotions, and that's why you were overcome so easily just now. No matter. The ritual is not for a few hours. That should be plenty of time for you to gather yourself and consider my proposition. Until then...we're done here."

Ivy snapped her fingers; the rock golems appeared and took Anna, Yves, and the defeated Elsa away to their chambers.

Olivia attempted to follow, but Ivy held her back with a tight squeeze of her shoulder. "Uh-uh," said Ivy. "You and I are going to have a nice long chat."

"Yes, Master," replied Olivia.


It was close to midnight by the time Anna had calmed down Yves enough to sleep in her arms. The two sisters sat on the floor on opposite sides of their prison.

Elsa sat with her arms wrapped around her knees, hugging them close to her body. She rested her head on her knees and was looking to the side, at nothing in particular.

"Elsa?" Anna said cautiously. "Are you okay...?"


Anna tried again. "Do you want to talk about it?"

At last Elsa spoke. "I don't know where to begin...."

Anna smiled. "I've got time to listen."

Elsa stretched out her legs, placed her hands beside her on the ground and looked upward. "I just...I don't understand. How could I have been so STUPID! I should have known from the start that Olivia was up to no good."

"It looked to me that she might be under the control of Ivy" countered Anna.

"Even so," said Elsa. "I should have known she was leading me right into a trap. I shouldn't have let her blind me with--"

Elsa choked up a bit.

"Blind you with what?"

Elsa wiped her face with the back of her hand and resumed her initial defensive position of knees close to her chest. "Nothing. I just shouldn't have let my guard down, that's all."

"I thought you really liked Olivia," came a voice.

Anna blinked, and looked around their space. "Was that...did I just hear Olaf?"

Elsa lowered her knees again, and for the first time, Anna noticed Elsa's snowman-shaped necklace. Elsa then used her powers to revert him back to his physical form.

"Olaf!" cried Anna.

"Anna!" Olaf ran over to Anna and gave her a hug. "Did you have a baby?"

"What? This is Yves. He's..."

"He's Olivia's baby brother," Elsa said, coming to a realization. "That's why she did it. She was just trying to protect her family..."

"Protect him from what?" asked Anna. "From Ivy?"

Elsa stood up and started pacing the space. "Ivy wants to bring back the power of Baba Yaga. She must have blackmailed Olivia to bring me here. And now that we're all together...maybe I can still get through to her...."

She walked over to Anna, Olaf and Yves and knelt down. "Anna...I don't know what's going to happen to me tomorrow morning, but I'm going to try to convince Olivia to break free from Ivy's control.

"But you saw what Ivy did to Olivia. How are you going to do that?"

"I don't know. But what you can do for me is wear Olaf tomorrow. If at any point his power fades...I want you to run."

"But Elsa--"

"I'm convinced that Ivy will be too preoccupied with conjuring Baba Yaga to notice your disappearance. But Anna - if Baba Yaga is brought back to life, and I'm unable to stop it, you have to protect yourself. Above all else."

Yves fidgeted in  Anna's arms. "Okay. I'll do it. But I'm taking Yves with me. Whatever happens, good or bad, he shouldn't be left alone."

"Ooh, how exciting!" exclaimed Olaf. "We're concocting a plan! We're....secret conspirators...!"

Elsa cracked a smile. "That's right, Olaf. Let's just pray that it won't have to involve you. Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully it's the day we finally overthrow Ivy."

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