𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡

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It was 1am and the two bestfriends,beomgyu and taehyun were hanging out. they were just best friends but however,beomgyu didn't saw taehyun only as a friend. He always felt like as if this friendship is not just a friendship.

Taehyun was absolutely charming and admired by every person in his school so was beomgyu but he was a little more feared.

Unfortunately,taehyun had a girlfriend,her name was Jessica,she was the popular cheerleader. she was a fake person and beomgyu knew that but he didn't wanted to ruin their relationship. To get to the point a little more, he didn't wanted to ruin taehyun's happiness. If there was a way to actually stop the relationship without hurting taehyun,beomgyu would've already done it.

Beomgyu looked at taehyun and taehyun looked back at him. Taehyun smiled but beomgyu didn't.beomgyu was lost in his eyes. beomgyu pulled taehyun close to him which made taehyun panick a little since this wasn't something beomgyu would usually do.

Beomgyu touched taehyun's lips with hi- *beep beep beep*

beomgyu opened his eyes just to see that he is in his room. he got up and attended the call

on the phone call

Taehyun :
beomgyu,where the fuck are you?!?

Beomgyu :

Taehyun :
You little shit,it's almost 8am
are you not coming to school?

Beomgyu :
I am coming later

Taehyun :
oh,so you are gonna just skip teacher somi's class? I told you to the homework!

Beomgyu :
Fuck maths,man
the problems are so damn hard yet she says they are easy.

Taehyun :
They are

Beomgyu :
What? that's completely bullshit,man
ugh whatever I'm hanging up

Beomgyu ended the call and started to get ready.

once Beomgyu was ready,he got out of the house and started walking to his school,thinking about the dream he had, oh how much he wished that it was true.

Suddenly, he remembered the way taehyun kissed Jessica,when it was their 3 months anniversary

Beomgyu kicked the rock infront of him out of anger but then was glad that at least,she wasn't his first kiss. when both of them were kids,they were having an argument about who is more cool but then suddenly,taehyun said that if beomgyu kisses him,he will agree that Beomgyu is the coolest.

little did taehyun know,he will actually kiss him. After that,beomgyu was confused because he really liked it when they kissed. he thought that he would be disgusted because who kisses their own best friend? after a few days,he figured out he loved taehyun a lot

Finally,beomgyu reached the school and saw taehyun waiting for him.
maybe,beomgyu's heart exploded

Beomgyu went up to him and jokingly,kissed taehyun's cheeks because he knows that taehyun hates it

Beomgyu,in a girly voice :
hi baby! I missed you so much! Oh look at you,waiting for your boyfriend! Do you love me that much,huh?

taehyun just gave Beomgyu a "wtf bro" face and walked away,leaving him behind.Beomgyu followed him and they started chatting

when they arrived at the class,Jessica came up to taehyun and Beomgyu mumbled,"here comes miss clingy" which was loud enough for taehyun to hear.

Jessica :
Hi baby! I missed you!

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