Chapter (1)

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Writer's NOTE : this is the first ever story I made, just correct me if you see something wrong about it. I will keep updating you about the upcoming chapters if this story gets more reads. Don't make this flop, love you all and I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy the freedom to write it. :)

Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

Miami - 10:52 PM

I never really get love because maybe I was never in love and I don't want to be. I never see myself speak about it in any way. After last year I knew I had gone way too much of only ''giving'' in to my partner's desires and I realized how much I was killing myself mentally just to be with a guy who only wanted me for my body. I regretted that part of me so much.

Walking in the thick snow in late November is my favorite thing. My footsteps made a satisfying sound as I walk around the pavements. It was a busy night. After the party, I had no choice but to walk to my apartment. I had no ride and I was half drunk.

I finally was able to reach my apartment without struggle. As soon as I arrived, I hung my leather jacket and prepared myself a rose scented warm bubble bath, my favorite. And to complement the bath even more, I had my red wine.

I struggled to think straight as soon as I was relaxed in my own bath. I just imagined what had happened earlier in the party and how drunk my friends were, and how I remember someone hitting on me. How ridiculous. But it didn't last long though, I closed my eyes and my head was starting to clear up strange images and thoughts. Smelling the rose scent made me loosen up.

Miami - 12:06 PM

I turned irritated for almost the fifth time and still can't find the comfortable side of the bed. There was a breeze coming from the outside and it gave me shivers to the end of my spine. I probably forgot to close the balcony door last night, and I was too lazy to do it right now. I pulled the sheets up to my shoulders and it was getting annoying, so I decided to just wake the fuck up.

I prepared dark coffee. My unfortunate partiality for the bitter scent and flavor, was always my favorite, and I needed it to be extra anguished to the point that it would actually torture me and I, selflessly like it that way. The bitter aroma always made me crave dark coffee even more.

I leaned back on the kitchen counter as I sipped my coffee little by little. My eyes were focused on the floor for some reason and I really had nothing in mind until a loud knocking from the door came blaring all throughout the empty room. I got startled and suddenly reached for the door, my mug in hand.

-Gosh, Lauren, you're so boring!

Normani was my best friend since we were just in eight grade. She came all dressed up in a suit I admired so much and we always dreamed of getting the same job together, we share the same interests, but look at her right now, she is a successful business woman, and I didn't get any part of that, or maybe not yet. She had always dreamed of becoming like her dad, her family has riches so being that woman fits her well.

-Come on! Do I not get a hug?

I was a bit shocked that she literally came out of nowhere. The last time I saw her was probably like three or four months ago? And it would be hard for me to act normal when my best friend just comes up my door the next day.

-Of course you do! - I spoke between the tight hug she gave me — you should've texted me, so I could get myself ready for your coming.

-Are you kidding? Why do you have to be dressed up when it's just me? - she snorted just as how she used to when we were younger. - besides, I wanted it to be a surprise.

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