charpter 4

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On March on the  25th it was lobola negotiations as my uncles and jonathans family met to negotiate so by that time my mom went home to prepare everything so everyone was there.So everything went accordingly they agreed in everything as i am a tswana lady from Mahikeng and Jonathan is a coloured guy from stellenboschat cape Town so my uncles and his uncles did negotiations in both ways to accommodate one another.

My mother couldn't believe that am really getting married and as am going to be a mom in the next coming months.and that time I was  5months  pregnant  So I did a scan and  luckly I got a gender of my baby and the good news is am pregnant with twins and the gender is male.So as Jonathan and the family didn't know but only my mother Lilly said but I will just tell them later that night Jonathan came at my home and i just surprised him with good news he was so happy and crying tears of joy he couldn't believe at all as both of us we don't have that twins history in the family but God's grace we about to get twins .

Everyone was so happy for as for my in-laws they where happy to be grandparents to their first grandchildrens. A month down the line I went to work like normal days and it was not difficult despite that am pregnant but I was taking everything just fine.As negotiations went well and smooth the date where seted to be as early before my birth time so on the 2nd of May it was a date that set as my due is on July.

Me and Jonathan we only have a month to get married  we went to check my wedding gown and his suit ,cake ,decour and traditional attire as we've been planning about it a month  ago .as we settled everything we just wanted a nice decor that it can accommodate 40 people as we invited 10 from Jonathan's friends and best coleaques and 10 from my side and as i dont have friends i invited my coleaques too and the number left its my family and Jonathan's family.i didnt want bridesmaids and grooms but only best man and best woman .

My best woman was my younger sister as she was 19 years and Jonathan's best man was his closest best friend from primary by the name of William as i am happy with everything we went back to apartment. A month went to an end and as everyone was so happy for me and Jonathan. The following day was 31st so my hairdresser was there as he's gonna do my hair and my make-up but just for today it's only my hair .few hours later around 2 we went to collect gown,suits and other clothes for best man and best woman.

As everything was perfect I was so happy so after we went to cornfirm the venue and the decoration and still everything was as we went back to my house in the morning we prepared ourselves and everything as Jonathan was not allowed to see me he forced but still they refused so me and my we where busy so few minutes later as it was about time they drove us to venue and everyone was there waiting for me.

As I entered with my mom and my sister Jonathan just gave me that charming smile he charmed me with at the first time we fell in love .As I walk towards him I saw tears in his eyes and at the same time he was smilling.paster just asked my mom do you give this man your daughter? Yes I do and my child please look after my baby at all times and promise you will always be there for her at all time Lilly's mother said.she hugged Lilly as she went to sit down .

Ma'am can you step this side and face him pastor said.before I continue is there anyone who would like to object in this two couple to get married ?is either you speak or forever hold your peace paster said.A man just stand up and said yes paster I do but I don't want to ruin anything. My mom just turned back to see whose talking as that voice sound familiar.Michael what are you doing here Lilly's mother said.I've heard about my daughter's wedding so as for upsent father I just wanted to see her on her white gown.

Lilly was so surprised that  that man just called her  my daughter who is he?so as paster continues he ask again is there someone else who would like to object? As there was silence so pastor just carried on with the service as it was time for vows"Jonathan Smith first time I laied my eyes on you my heard  just filled with joy ,love and  happiness  and today am happy to be with you i just wish nothing but all the best in this marriage and am proudly can say till death do us apart because I just found a soulmate for my self  I love you so much"Lilly said.

Jonathan smiled and looked  at Lilly while  tears just filled his eyes and he just say my Lilly you've made me to be the most loveable man first time I saw you as my first approach you maked me to believe that I found the one for also proud today to call you my wife because I've find the most precious gift from God and as am blessed to have that special gift in my life I also promise I will take good care of my special gift which is and you my wife to be we will only separated by death nothing more as he put a ring on Lilly's hand .

They ulululating as the paster say I pronounce you as a husband and wife.So Mr Smith you may kiss the bride.So after church ceremony they went to take pictures and everything and went home straight so it was a long and tirering day as for Lilly it was worse due to pregnancy. But a day went awesome they celebrated as later around 5pmthey have to drive to Cape Town because traditional attire will held at Jonathan's place so afternoon around 4:30 they drove there .both of the families they didn't do any ceremony at home but found a nice place for it to cather them so home they went there to change and everything but as for food and everything it was at the places they got.

After traditional wedding  we went to honemoon at zanzibar where we spended 2 nights there .after our honeymoon everything went back to normal .I went back to work also Jonathan and our parents . Few weeks later I started to feel otherwise.

To be continued

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