Side chick!?

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As y/n continued to panic she saw that the light for the surgery room went off and she saw danny devito being rolled out on a hospital bed.
"DANNY!" Y/n screamed while running towards the unconscious Danny devito.
Then she realised that she knew the surgeon it was STEVE HARVEY!
Dr phils ex boyfriend
She was shocked to see Steve Harvey and she pondered whether he did something to danny but she soon dismissed that theory.
Suddenly Steve Harvey said to her "are you Danny's wife?"
"Yes" replied y/n
"Well you can't marry him" said Steve Harvey
"WHY?!" Said y/n with a shocked and offended expression.
"It's because he's already married" said Steve Harvey.
"TO WHO!?" Shouted y/n shocking the people around her including keemstar
"Who do you think you little bitch" said Steve Harvey while slapping her across the face
"You slut!" Steve Harvey slapped her again until her face was bright red and her nose bleeding.
Y/n realised that Danny was already married and to be exact he was married to Steve Harvey!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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