9. Sunset's Moments

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Anita lay awake that same day. It was nearly sunset.

She was in the living room, lights off, sitting on the plush sofas thinking about what happened with Michael and Marlon.

Mainly Michael.

Marlon...where to begin?? All his teasing moments just adjusted the way Anita was feeling. And that was all there was to Marlon.

But Michael..Michael.

Was he going to..was he..? Anita tried to think about what she anticipated when Michael and her were just..gazing at each other. But she couldn't. She forgot about everything, and just focused on Michael.

Anita sighed, crossed her legs and lay her head in her hands and cried silently.

Why did everything have to go wrong?

Her eyes tinged when she opened them.

She looked up at the ceiling and wondered what she'd be doing right now if she hadn't met any of the Jacksons.

Anita's reaction was absolutely instant. Someone was at the door.

She quietly and slowly walked over to a window, which was next to the door.

She opened the red curtains slightly. Her heart sunk to her feet. It was Michael.

She quickly closed the curtains.

Oh no...Anita's heart had no sound to make. Just open the door...

Anita took a deep breath in and opened the door.

"I need to talk to you," Michael's angelic voice filled the silence.

Anita crossed her arms, looked down and nodded.

She followed Michael. None of the took a single glance at each other, and none of them spoke.

They stopped at a place with a few trees scattered and lots of green grass. Sunset had already came and was looking beautiful.

Michael sat down and looked ahead. Anita sat, nervously, in front of him. She had to get an answer from Michael, and she didn't care how long it took.

"You've been crying haven't you?" Michael searched her face.

Anita sighed, and played with her rhinestone bracelet.

"Just about life, it's alright. People cry about life, don't they?" Anita looked up smiling a little, still playing with her bracelet. And she was telling the truth. First was her mother, then Michael.

"Yeah, people do. I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier on. I was just a bit tense about...just music and the group and... I'm sorry."

Anita smiled widely, to let him know it was alright. But that did not fully answer her question...

Michael picked up Anita's wrist, and stroked the bracelet with his thumb. Then her smile faded away.

"Is this....your..." Michael trailed off.

Anita nodded looking in another direction, tears spilling down.

Michael placed a hand on her cheek, and pushed it gently to face him.

"Wherever she is...whoever she was...what she became..I know she's thinking of you," Michael said, his hand still on her cheek.

"She's not..she's not. She barely knew me..I feel so unwanted...I am unwanted...James doesn't need me anymore..no-one does. I feel so empty," Anita said sobbing even more.

"Don't ever say that about yourself. James does need you..he does. You know now, James is becoming even more famous every minute. Don't you think he's doing this for you and him? He's juggling all kinds of things now. But you're not unwanted. You're not," Michael softly said, wiping her tears with his hand that was on her cheek.

Caring..Kind..Wonderful...And more words rang in Anita's mind.

Anita closed her eyes, lost in his presence and words. And his warm hand upon her cheek.

"Please believe me..."

"I do,"Anita whispered. She felt his hand drop from her cheek slowly. She felt the trail of his hand run down her cheek which gave her a tingling sensation. Then, back to his side.

"You're the only person I can trust right now," Anita's voice cracked and started crying again.

"Same for me too," Michael whispered, a hand on her arm.

Anita looked up wiping her tears with her other hand.

"I'm sorry..stop comforting me..tell me how you feel..tell me..I want to know," Anita quietly sniffed.

"I..I've worked so hard..so hard..so long..it tires me thinking about it. Joseph...he shows no love for me..he's not my father, he's my manager. My manager...I work hard...people don't know the real story behind me..the real truth. I hate it. I hate how my life is turning out..I hate it. I want to be free...free from this..I just can't take it. I am abused..I am. I'm not going to lie you...am I ugly?" Michael gazed into Anita's eyes.

"You're not...I swear you're not. It's your father who is..it is. You're not, I swear..on my mother..you're beautiful..I swear you are..and don't let anybody change that," Anita gazed into Michael's eyes as well.

Michael didn't laugh at the joke Anita tried to make about Joseph. He was still gazing into her eyes. This was serious.

He gulped. Tears started to rush out of his beautiful eyes.

"Oh Michael..." Anita said softly and hugged him while Michael pulled her onto his lap innocently wrapping his arms around her back.

Michael sobbed even more. Anita started crying again.

"You're so beautiful when you cry," Anita whispered into Michael's hair. Her heart pounded when she said this.

"Stop with the lies..." Michael said.

Anita pulled away from Michael and shook her head. She got off his lap and sat next to him, her legs over his.

Michael picked up her wrist. He pushed the bracelet down her arm. He raised her wrist and pressed his lips upon her wrist. His eyelashes brushed over them which sent slow chills down Anita's back.

A single tear from Michael's eye splashed onto Anita's wrist. Michael drew his lips and looked up.

Anita lifted two fingers and rubbed the tear on her wrist in circular motions.

"See this tear? It's yours...now I've got it. You're another part of me, and you always will be. You're..you're..my...my...m-my..." Anita tried to say the words.

Michael stared at her, waiting for the answer.

"My only, true friend," Anita whispered. It was true-she didn't feel like Michael was a crush anymore, she felt like he was a friend she could trust with all her heart.

Michael smiled. "You're my true friend as well, Wendy."

"Peter..you are beautiful," Anita said.

Michael sighed. "Let's not talk about it."

Anita understood. He didn't want to talk about it. "But what did you want to talk to me about in the first place?"

"We already did the talking," Michael smiled.

Michael lifted his wrist and put it against her cheek. A single tear fell on his wrist.

"Don't cry, Wendy."

"I'm not," Anita shook her head.

Michael rubbed his wrist gently. He slightly laughed.

"See this tear Wendy?" Michael questioned, smiling and his eyes sparkling from the tears.

"Yes, I do Peter," Anita smiled.

"It's yours, but it's mine now. I've got it. You're my piece now. The piece to my puzzle, Wendy. The piece to my puzzle..." Michael held his hand out.

Anita took his hand. She smiled shyly. They looked ahead and stared at the sunset.

The piece to my puzzle, Wendy...

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