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changbin holds his breath, the room was muggy, as if there weren't a single ventilation in the room. the dust collecting atop the wooden stools thickens as the months passed by, the boy felt like he's been sitting on this stool for an eternity. the only implication of time passing by was the ticking of the antique clock, the pendulum swings back and forth in a hypnotic way.

changbin's snapped out of his thoughts when a tall, faceless figure stands in front. he suddenly remembers he's in court, the surroundings becoming more apparent as faces filled the crowd and more details come to light.

"the defendant agrees to plead guilty to the indictment of first degree murder of han jisung. in violation of-"

changbin shoots up from his sit, eyes trained on the man dressed in prison attire. the lawyer continues to speak while changbin's eyes focus on the blurred face, a chill runs up changbin's spine when he finally sees the man's face.

hwang hyunjin

a sickeningly wicked and vile smirk occupies hyunjin's lips as he speaks:

"guilty as charged"

never has changbin seen such inhumane and evil lurk in one person's eyes before. he most certainly has met the devil, and it was the man in front of him.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

changbin wakes up in a cold sweat, his breathing was labored, a few tears trickle down his cheek.

it was all a dream.

he sits up and tries to take in his surroundings, to bring himself back to reality. the quiet whir of his ceiling fan, the sheets beneath his calloused fingers, and the empty bed in front of him—jisung's.

he tries to remember the dream, of hwang hyunjin's sudden appearance. he recalls back to what his senior, chan, told him last night. the idea of jisung's case being a double homicide and of a possible suspect.

"hwang hyunjin is definitely a suspect if we were to discuss a double homicide case."

"what makes you think it's hyunjin?"

"gut feeling."

"gut feeling?"


changbin shakes his head free from thoughts before begrudgingly headed towards the community bathroom. and frankly, he couldn't wait to just finish this semester and go back home. you see, when a person dies, a lot of people will mourn. that's why the hallways were filled with tributes and pictures of jisung. and it reminds him of his failures as a friend, of what he could have done to save his best friend.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

chan chews on the sweet jelly licorice, a bit distracted with the song playing from the radio to notice changbin hastily walking towards him, the younger's eyes bloodshot as if he didn't even get a blink of sleep. changbin sits in front of the blonde, clearing his throat before speaking.

"chan hyung, any luck with your uncle?"

"nope, he still thinks that we lack key evidences to charge anyone for
homicide let alone charge hyunjin for murder"

"so what're we going to do?"

"well my friend, that is up to me. i already told you, stop worrying about it."

changbin leans back to his seat, shoulders slackening as he takes a deep breath. a small smile making its way on his face, chan softens upon seeing it, come to think of it, he has never seen changbin smile once since jisung's death; it must be tough on him.

"anyway, i've contacted a possible witnesses"


"he's a really close junior of mine. he said that he last seen jisung in the pub he worked in, with a dark haired female, most definitely not daesung"

"wait, a female?"

"ask all of the questions you have when we meet jeongin. but for now, here" chan smiles sheepishly, passing changbin a stick of of his jelly licorice, changbin accepts it gratefully.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"hwang hyunjin..?"

"yup he's the new coworker i've been telling you about"

seungmin's dumbfounded. sure he's ben bugging and asking his manager for a coworker to assist him not distract him.

'because so help me hwang hyunjin looks so good in the uniform, it's not healthy for my poor heart'

the manager leaves after a few minutes of watching seungmin showing the new guy (his boyfriend) the ropes and how things go around the cafe. seungmin's trying his best to stay focused on cleaning the countertops; but his handsome boyfriend just keeps blinding him from his peripheral and he couldn't help but stare.

seungmin couldn't help but stare at hyunjin smiling politely at a customer's remark, handsome features highlighted by the rays of sunshine leaking through the windows of the cafe—he's an angel.

"i prefer being called a prince, but angel's good"

"you are going to be the death of me" seungmin blushes a deep shade of red for the nth time that day

"oh darling, if only you knew" hyunjin mumbles low beneath his breath, a bit too soft for seungmin to hear.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


short chapter, but i'm still trying to get back in the groove of writing this story, but i still hope you enjoyed :))

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