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as i am not korean, i will be writing
schooling based off of my american
experience   +   for the sake of plot,
idols' ages will be altered.

i will NOT be using honorifics. i
tried to in "elites" and that was...
horrid, to say the least.

ALSO! the doyoung i will be using
for this story is from treasure NOT
nct. they have the exact same sur-


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━「 THIS PLACE IS⠀ OUR START LINE! 」

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FOR AS LONG AS HE COULD REMEMBER, Taehyun had always been good at everything. Call him cocky, but he simply was. At the mere age of seven, first grade Taehyun won his very first medal in a region-wide art competition. He had painted a family portrait, including his dog, at detail a first grader's eye should find overwhelming.

In second grade, Taehyun signed up for the school talent show. He wrote and composed a beautiful lullaby and sung at an impressive level (for his age), effortlessly, bringing home gold. In third grade, he began to explore more active hobbies and immediately dominated his age group in both soccer and track. The rest of his elementary years became an ocean of trophy after trophy, tournament after tournament, and medal after medal.

When Taehyun progressed to middle school, newly established academic awards were easily in his reach, and excel classes were no match for his wit. He graduated from his school, top of the grade, as honor boy with a 4.0 GPA K-8.

Justifying these accomplishments with the fact that middle school is nothing compared to high school is arguable.  However, genius Kang Taehyun's golden path did not end there. As soon as he entered high school and attended preseason tryouts, Taehyun made history as the first freshman to star starting lineup—forward—on the varsity soccer team. That year was the first time in four years that they reclaimed the title of region champs.

In a short time, the student body had familiarized themselves with his name. Before he knew it, he was an active representative of the student council with almost unanimous votes. Taehyun continued to take advanced courses on top of this. He had a contagious smile, and his pull was enthrallingly gravitational. There was a certain charm to the boy that drew people in and made them want to stay near him purely because he was fun to be around.

By junior year, Taehyun was student council vice president, leading candidate for captain of the soccer team senior year, track superstar, and dubbed Star Boy of BH High School. Hating out of jealousy or loving out of admiration—everyone knew who he was, and everyone acknowledged his genius.

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