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I was only 28 when all the madness happen to me ... I was in my town Denver I was walking home late around 11:00 pm . I decided to take the ally home . To get to my wife and one son. It was his birthday today I was eager get to him .
When out of the blue the most beautiful women I had ever seen came up to me and made me look at her eyes and was her chanting eyes held my gaze and I felt paralyzed she whispered in my ear " hello darling"
I mumbled " hello" I studied her for a few minutes ....
Her nice dark red hair fell down in natural curls and her eyes with a reddish brownish color. She said " we'll your sent is way to attracting I think I'm going to have to make you mine "
I was shock and I could not turn away or run I was stuck their like if she was commanding me as I tried to talk it escaped from my mouth " what are you" "well ..." She continued " let's say that I could give you immortality or death in less than a minute " I could not think was she was she saying she was ..... Could she be the vampire they hunt around town .... I thought of it to long ,I felt a bad pain in my neck like poison burning my insides ,and then falling right at her feet ! She had bitten me was Im going to turn or die what would happen to my family . Many thoughts went through my mind . My eyes stared to shut was this the end for me!!!!!!
My throat itched like I drank a whole gallon of rubbing alcohol . My eye sight was way to focus .... I could see everything and I could hear everything around me ... I heard a police officer on his horse ,and old mr billy who was older than any one in our small wooden town . I decided to go with old mr. Billy to get some water ... As I approach he spoke
"Hey Lukes "
" hey billy "
He was cutting some watermelon he afford some and I said sure I thought it would calm my thirst ..... But when he was cutting it he cut one of his figures .. It sent an urge of strong thirst like if the blood called me ..... My gums started to hurt when I heard a soft click ... I pursued Mrs. Billy to go inside his house ,the all I remember is him on the floor with out movement .. I I'm going out the door there's a big old mirror ..... I decide to take a look at myself , I had the same body but my skin was a little pale from my natural light tannish skin from working in the sun all day , my hair was the same dark brown ,but my eyes they were different they were a very dark red instead of a nice light hazel color . I get displease from the thing I've become .... Beth that women !!! that vampire !!!! She did it she turned me into a blood sucking freak !!! I had to run I could not stay here any more .......!!!!!! They will hunt me down if I stayed , and my family what if I hurt them.
Running was easier than I thought .... I was fast ..NO!!!! I was super fast it felt like I was not even touching the ground .....the nice green grass .... I have to run away from here know im planning to go to spain i have my grandfather their but im not going to stay with him . I'm going to stay in his old house out of the city ....That's as far as I could think to go . As I'm running I stop and look at the woods I'm really going to miss this place . I loved the woods my parents had a home somewhere around here , but it no longer stands . My mother was accused of which craft , that day my dad had given me to my uncle . They both died , but all I know is that she was what they accused her of , but she was one of the good ones . I whisper to myself " I have to stop thinking and run " so I do . I'm getting to the ferry I could see the bright light from the mountain . I had traveled a few thousand miles though , but I was not tired . Before I go to buy my ticket I look at my clothes they were ripped and dirty I had to get a new clothing . I head for luggage and find an old modern tuxt witch fit a little big but not much .
"Name please "
" Luke's the 3rd Blake"
" ok it will be 5 dollars "
I look at my wallet looking at only two dollars .. I think to my self and try to mimic how Beth talked to me
" look and listen carefully I need that ticket and I need it now ... Give it to me ok "
The man stunned and curies to talk to me more to hear that wonderful voice like how I heard Beth's but I knew I had to go and I don't want any more blood on my hands for killing this young boy .
The inside of the ferry was ok it was kinda crapy but at least I has getting away. There were some people on the deck like and old man , a family of 4, and a few others scattered all around the ship . I walked towards my room but unfortunately I had to share the room with some one named Austin . When I'm opening the door the sent of blood kicks in. " what could he be doing " I whispered .... As I walked into the room Austin was in a bed his dity face, about 17 years old , and thin looking body made him look even sicker than he was ... A nurse came In , well not a nurse.
" what does he have am I going to die to and are you going to be checking on him "
" I'm not a nurse and don't be making rude comments "
" we'll what does he have I don't want to catch it " I said sarcastically
" don't worry he is just bleeding internally so it's no sickness "
" ok but may I ask why he is going to spain "
" we'll his family is over their and they want to have him for his funeral "
How could his family just want him to go over there and let him die ..... I thought to myself in disgust . Wish I could do something ....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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