Chapter 1

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The wind blowing in my hair, my eyes red as roses, feeling helpless,  feeling so alone, sitting on the edge of a building, wanting to jump off and see if  I can fly

Beep   Beep   Beep
November 17th, 5:30 am 2019
My alarm, blaring in my ear.  The shades, slightly open. The sun, still asleep. 
I get up still in last night clothes and go get change into something...clean.
I stumble into the kitchen after and chugged  a cup of coffee. I put on my black, broken, beat up shoes, walk out of the house leaving a note and walk to the old park on the corner.

The swings are rusty and slide could probably give you a STD. Oh wait, someone else is here? I look at the swings and see a girl with short black hair looking down at her phone. I walk up to her and sit in the swing next to her. She looks at me and I see she has the most stunning eyes, a blueish gray, and in the morning light her pale skin looks so flawless.

"...are you ok?" She questions

I just now realize how much I'm stareing at her, holy fuck I must look like and idiot. I face palm and I feel my face heat up then there's a laugh and I look up to see her smiling. 

"Hi, I'm Ma-max!" I yelled be accident, I know what you may  be think how do you yelling accidentally, well I get nervous easily and I yell, OK

She laughed more and said "Hi, I'm Emrys."

We swang.

     We talked.

         We exchanged numbers.

            Weeks pasted and we got closer.

December 19th, 9:46 pm 2019

It was cold. It was nice. My heart raced. My face was red. 

Under a street light we stood, together, alone.

Her face was pale with hints of red.
I held her hand.

"Will you go out with me?" I asked looking her in the eyes.

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Sorry for the short chapter but all the chapters are going to be like this and I'm sorry

Under The Street Light (short story)Where stories live. Discover now