Part 12

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Hey guys😕 sorry I haven't updated in a while. I promise to be more active.

"Mom?" I say

She stood up. She had her army uniform on and her hair is a slick low- bun. I ran to and gave her a hug and so did Maddie. We all started crying. I never that she would make it for my birthday.
" you didn't think I would miss your birthday?" She said. We sat on the couch and caught up on stuff while I was opening my gifts. "So y/n , u got a boyfriend?" My mom ask. "Yea. A boy named Luke" I say smiling. " what happened to Kevin" Maddie blurted out. "Maddieeee" I yelled. "Ouuiii who's Kevin" my mom asked, slightly laughing. " Kevin is someone who I thought was totally different than what he really is. Can we not talk about this?". I say cutting the conversation short. There was a few second of silence until my sister ask my mom how long is she going be here. "Only 2 days" she said with a sad voice.

Skip to Tuesday

My mom call a cab for her to leave. We cried. We didn't want her to leave. While she was here, we out to a restaurant and we show her around the town. I arrived at school late( in the middle of 2nd period). I tried to sneak in class while my Chemistry Teachers' , Mr. Otoro , California got me. "Nice for you too join us" he said as I was walking to my sit. Rose laughed. " sorry mr. Otoro, I had to take my mom to the army. She is the army" I said in a teacher's pet voice. He just nodded and continued the lesson.
   As it was time to walk the halls to get to 3rd period, every one knew my name, and they greeted me (I guess from my birthday party). I just smiled and wave back. The head cheerleaders  (mindy, Natalie and Andrea) came and actually talk to me.
Mindy: hey y/n I heard you was a cheerleader
Y/n: yea i was. 2 year ago. How did you know?
Mindy: I have my secrets. You should come try out.
Y/n: but try outs were a few months.
Mindy: sooo . You can still try out. I will be in the gym on Friday. 3:00 sharp. See ya.
And from that, she walk off. I continued walking down the hall with my air in my ears, listening to I Luh u Papi by Jennifer Lopez. I saw Kevin, standing there with Amy. He look annoyed. She just kept going on and on about something. I just continue walking with confidence and want into my next class.

Kevin POV:

Amy: cherry or mango chapstick?

I was dazed out thinking about y/n . She so beautiful.

Amy: hello? Earth to Kevin.

Me: huh?

"You're not even paying attention" Amy whine.
Her voice is starting to get on my nerves. I see y/n walking down the hall. She so gorgeous.she turns back and I thinks she looking at me. She turns back around and walk into the class room. I just want us to be back to where we were before.


Y/n POV:

I sat with the popular kids today. Rose and Emily went to go get subway together. Mattia, Kairi, Roshawn and Alvaro was there to . The jocks and the cheerleader was there also.( they were sitting in a section; 2 tables) We was just talking and laughing. Kevin and Amy came over. I look her up and down and everyone at the table notice. I pull out my phone and was scrolling on insta. "Hey y/n" a familiar said; Kevin 😒. I look at him and roll my eyes look down at my phone again. One of jocks, Ethan, broke the slience " so you guys going to that big party in two weeks , Teen Coachella. Everyone was talking at the same time, saying they were going. I didn't know if it. All I i knew is that it's in the state we live in but I guess I going. "Y/n , you need to come shopping with us for a outfit for teen Coachella" Mindy said. "Ok" I said. The rest of the lunch, Kevin didn't say a word. He occasionally look up at me but then quickly look at his phone.
The lunch bell rang and everyone walk to there classes. This was the last class of the day and it was dance and I hadn't this class; Kevin was my partner and we had to salsa, more specifically, the tango .We had to dance to Valentine's Dance tango. The music begin playing and everyone had their partner. We begin sway our hips. Then we dance. I had to turn , my back facing his stomach. My butt was touch his- you know what😉. " you know you can't keep ignoring me" he whisper in my ears which sent shivers down my spine his lips and mines were almost going touch but then. The music came to a end and I broke out of Kevin's hex. "Great job guys" the teacher said.
The last period rang and I went into the girls locker room to change. All the girls left and it was just me in the locker room. I heard the door open and I thought it was one of the girls. I had everything on except my shirt on. ( I had a bra on) . "Damn" Kevin said behind me, checking me out. "What do you want Kevin?" I say with a annoyed voice, putting back on my shirt. "You" he said with a sexy voice" I turn around facing him and grab my book bag. " I have somewhere to be" I say turning to go out of the locker room but grabs my wrist. "Let go kevin" I say trying to get out of his grip. " just give me one more chance" he asked me, leaning in. I started to lean in but caught myself.

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