Chapter 1, Festivals and Waking up at Kong

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It was a relatively clear night when I was at a party. A HUGE party. Still, though, all I remember is that it was a music festival that turned into a riot. Half outside, half inside. The place was wild. Lasers, screaming, and nonstop drinks.

My friends and I arrived at 8:30 when it was all starting. After a while though, I lost track of where they were and was all alone. I'm not a heavy drinker so I was already getting dizzy. All I had control over at the moment was what I was focusing on. The stage, the music. The amount of alcohol I was consuming was way over my limit at this point.

Many bands would play that I wasn't very interested in, except for one. As I was stumbling around, they caught my attention. Everything from the new sound that was filling the air to the somewhat inhuman appearances of the members. Animated in a way...

My mind drifted off to land fit for a fairytale, in a place polluted with people and cities. Above it all was an island. An island with grass, flowers, and the big windmill turning in the air.

The scene took an odd turn with the crowded vibe the music set in.

A continuation of the loud music conspired and laughter that was played in the background, to have this sense of urgency to the song.

I was amazed by the craftsmanship. I just have to meet this band!

I was drunk out of my mind, so obviously, I was doing all the wrong things to get to this goal.

Such as, I don't know, sneaking backstage.

I stumbled around until I landed at the feet of this tall, azure haired, pretty boy. He looked down and laughed.

"Hi~ I like your face~" My words fell out of my mouth.

"An' you are?" He asked in a laugh.

Then it all went black. Of course, I didn't realize long after I would pass out, the festivities would come to an abrupt end. Leaving me without a way to get home.

I woke up in a sweat the next morning, not in my bed. Not even in my own house.

I thought I was dreaming, so I laid my head back down on the bed and faced my left.

I saw the same tall, azure haired, pretty boy sleeping in a chair sitting about six feet away from me.

"WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" I screamed in complete and utter fear. He opened one of his pitch-black eyes and faced me.

"Oh, you're awake! Need anyfin'?" He said joyfully in a heavy cockney accent.

What kind of a question was that? I need to get out of here!

"Water..?" I was so confused. He rubbed his face with a fist, pushed himself out of the chair and walked out the door of the room.

He came back with a glass of water in hand in under a minute, so it's not like I could get away.

He handed the cup to me and I took a sip and looked at him with "crazy eyes."

"I'm- uh...2-D! Almost fo'got to introduce m'self!"

"Well, you're 2-D and I'm scared."

"Nofing to be scared of, Luv. I saved you o'course- it was Russ who carried you out though... I fink?" He questioned himself.

There's another person? Goddammit.

"Where am I? What happened last night? HOW DID I GET HERE?!" I was stumbling over my words so much I didn't know what I was asking.

"Well, we was 'bout to go on stage again, an' I saw ya stumblin' 'round backstage... you said somefin' an' blacked 'ight out. Security was 'bout to take you so I said you's wiff us! A riot a' some sort broke out, an' ev'ryone left... so you's had nowhere to go." He explained intently.

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