Part 1/1

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Contains: force fed slime Inflation from Goodra.

I made this a Insert Your Character story. I used "You" and "your" because I felt like "(Insert Your Character Name Here)" or "(Y/N)" was breaking the story up.

Please DO NOT copy/paste, edit, or otherwise copy/steal my writing/claim it as your own. You do not have permission to do that in any way, and there will be consequences if you do. Thanks for respecting my content.

I've been playing Mystery Dungeon for the Switch lately and I wanted to do this story. I don't know if Goodra is in any Mystery Dungeon game, but Goodra won the poll so Goodra it is!

Whether your character is a Pokemon or not, they're doing rescues lol. Also is Dragon Cave really a dungeon? I don't know I'm not the biggest fan of Mystery Dungeon this is my first time playing it in many years.

On your morning walk, you stopped by the post office to check the bulletin board for new rescue jobs. One of the posts in particular grabbed your eye... A Goodra had fainted from hunger and needed to be rescued in Dragon Cave! They weren't too far into the dungeon, and it was a relatively easy job, so you eagerly took the post and slipped it into your bag. You had enough to revive the Goodra, as well as some Apples to feed them with...this could be fun!

With a spring in your step, you headed off toward the entrance to the dungeon.

On the first floor, you ran into a few formidable enemy Pokemon, but they were all fast asleep! And that wasn't all, every Pokemon appeared to have been bloated or stuffed full of something to give them such big, round bellies!

The next floor was much of the same! Bloated Pokemon fast asleep with their paws over their bellies. You explored a bit and found some berries and coins before you quickly located the stairs and went on.

The next floor was the one that Goodra would be found on, and it had twice as many bloated and asleep Pokémon as the previous floors! This was seriously strange...

You didn't have to look long until you found a rather large and chubby Goodra, fainted against a stalagmite. His belly rose and fell with each breath he took.

You started to reach for something in your bag to revive him with, when all of a sudden, Goodra's eyes snapped open.

Before you could react, he grabbed your arm and dragged you into his lap where he held you firmly against this slimy belly. "Well well well, what do we have here? Another adventurer come to rescue me, no doubt! What's your name?"

You told him your name in a shaky voice.

He repeated it and grinned. "What a lovely name! I'm a Goodra, as you can tell, but I'm called Chowoo."

"N-nice to meet you, Chowoo." You gulped. "Um, I was told you needed to be rescued, but I see that you're fine now so I'll just-" You tried to twist free of his grasp, but the Goodra held you tighter against his tummy.

"Whoa there, friend, where are you trying to go in such a hurry? I still need help, ya know!"

"W-with what?" You stammered.

"I need more taste testers!" Chowoo suddenly stuffed one of his paws into your mouth. The slime oozed off his paw and flooded your mouth until your cheeks bulged with the stuff.

You tried to pull away, but he held you tight in his grasp. You had no choice but to swallow the slime! You squeezed your eyes shut and gulped, and your body took over to swallow several more times as Chowoo continued to flood your mouth with the slime. It tasted, curiously, like your favorite food! It was...kind of an irresistible flavor.

The waves of slime cascaded down your throat and oozed slowly into your belly. You opened your eyes again to gaze up at Chowoo, who smirked down at you.

"When I'm done, you'll have to describe the flavor to me. Everyone else gets too full and falls asleep! I need a definitive else will I know if my slime tastes good or not?~"

As slime continued to pump into your belly, you got the feeling Chowoo knew exactly how his slime tasted to different people, and that this was all just a fun little game for him.

The bloated Pokemon you had encountered, whether they had been enemy or rescuers, had all been tricked or otherwise surprised by Chowoo's slime force feeding attack.

You breathed deeply through your nose and felt at your stomach as it started to feel a bit bloated. You weren't able to burp much, which added to the tight sensation in your belly as the waterfall of slime washed down your throat to fill your stomach.

Your tummy quickly started to swell up like a balloon; it forced your legs apart as you felt your weight increase on Chowoo's lap.

Your hands went to the sides of your stomach as it grew into your own lap, and you marveled at how rapidly swollen you became. You reached a point where you felt full and then kept on growing. Your tense muscles relaxed against Chowoo's belly, and you found that you had to fight to keep your eyes open.

"Oh, I see you're getting sleepy now." Chowoo squeezed at your belly as it continued to swell. There was no need to restrain you now. "Well, I'm sure your belly will make a great pillow for me while I wait for the next person to come by..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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