Don't Wave Your Stick At Me

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Nico shadow traveled. He had said he wouldn't but he did. He was under doctor's orders not to. Will had even made him sign a paper that said he wouldn't. But this time was hardly his fault. One of Piper's siblings was chasing him around camp trying to rope him into the camp fashion show. So if anything Will should take his wrath out on the Aphrodite Cabin. He couldn't help it that his first instinct was to shadow travel when something was chasing him.

The greater problem, however, was the fact that he currently had no idea where he was and there was a large gang of weirdly dressed people pointing sticks at him. On instinct, Nico's hand gripped the hilt of his sword.

The woman whom he assumed was the leader of the stick-wielding gang, step forward her stick still pointed at his head.

"Who are you" she barked.

"Who am I? Who are you?"

The woman narrowed her eyes and laugh maniacally. "Spit out your name you insolent brat before I reduce your miserable form to ashes." She said waving her stick at him.

"Do you think I'm afraid of a stick."

"A stick." She said incredulously. "Are you a muggle? How could you apparate in here? Wher is your wand hand it over."

Wand? What did these people think they were a wizard or something. Children of Hecate? But Lou Ellen never used a wand. Nico thought

Nico laughed at the wizard wannabe lady, "Wand? what you think you can do magic with that twig."

The woman's eyes glowed with anger and she suddenly snapped her hand, "Crucio" A red beam of light shot out of the end of her stick. Nico drew his sword instinctively and the light glanced off the blade. His mouth fell open. Well, that's new. I heard of there being Norse and Egyptian demigods. Maybe they were similar. The laser shooting women also seemed shocked. She turned to the pale-skinned boy next to her, "Call the Darklord."

Nico chose this moment to intervene. "Stop don't call anyone. Why don't you just kindly show me to the door and I'll be on my way."

"Do you take us for fools Order spy." A different man with white hair spat at him.

"I'm not part of any order. I just accidentally ended up here. We can just agree to forget about this moment and I can be on my way."

The crazy woman ignored him and grabbed the pale boy by his shoulders, "Call the Darklord Draco. Hurry."

The kid Draco pulled up his sleeve and revealed an ugly skull tattoo. I mean if you're going to get a tattoo at least make it a cool one. Nico thought. Will has cool tattoos like... His thoughts were interrupted by the crazy lady screaming at the boy as he went to tap on the black skull with his wand. Nico had enough of these shenanigans and decided that he would shadow travel out of here this instant. However, as he stood up to fall in his shadow. He fainted. I am not shadow travelling for the next ten years. Nico though as his body fell to the ground. Why is Will always right. He vaguely heard the crazy lady yelling, " Stop Draco. Just throw him in the cellar we'll deal with him later." Then he blacked out.

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