Welcome to Hogwarts

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Blair Wood makes her way to the platform. Her mother and father standing directly behind her.

"Run through that wall. We will be right here to pick you up for Christmas holiday." Her father explains. Blair's mother hugs her baby girl tightly and showering her with kisses before her father pulls her mother off of her. She nods, having read how to get onto the platform in a book that the woman who came to talk to her about being a witch gave her. She grabs a hold of her trolly and runs straight between the nine and the ten. She keeps running and only seconds later she appears onto a completely different platform. She marvels at her surrounding seeing the Scarlett train. The children running and laughing. The adults catching up with one another. She smiles to herself and makes her way onto the train. She feels the train begin to move as she walks down the bustling corridor, looking into compartments to try and find an open spot. Finally, near the end of the train she sees two boys sitting side by side, indulging in candy.

"Excuse me?" She asks gaining their attention. "All the other spots are full. Do you mind?"

"Of course." A boy with jet black hair gestures to the empty bench in front of the two boys. "I'm albus Potter." The green eyed boy introduces.

"Scorpius Malfoy." The boy beside him says shyly. Blair notices his timid demeanor and smiles at the blonde haired boy.

"Blair Pierce." Both the boys jaws drop as soon as she says this. "What?" She asks "have I got something on my face?"

"No it's just.... you are famous!" Albus exclaims. Blair's eyes practically pop out of her head as he says this.

"Me?" She scoffs "I think you've got the wrong girl." She squints her eyes in all seriousness.

"No he's right." Scorpius adds softly, much less vocal "Blair Elizabeth Pierce. You are the girl who lived!"

"The girl who lived?" Blair questions, tilting her head in confusion.

"You are one of two to survive a curse no one else has!" Albus explains animatedly. Blair listens intently, "of course your surviving was more shocking being muggleborn."

"Muggleborn?" Blair interrupts him. Her confusion shining through.

"A witch or wizard born to non magic families." Scorpius explains softly

"Is that a bad thing?" Blair asks, suddenly feeling worried.

"No!" Albus says immediately

"Of course it isn't!" Scorpius adds and Blair smiles lightly.

"I don't remember surviving any curse. I didn't even know about magic until the woman showed up to my house with a letter in hand." Blair says, obviously not believing them.

"Well you wouldn't now would you?" Albus crosses his arms cockily "you were only two years old." Blair's eyes widen slightly.

"But that's when my parents say my grandparents were murdered. In my nursery." Blair says, mostly to herself.

"Anything from the trolly dears?" An older woman asks, pushing a candy cart past their compartment.

"No thank you." Blair mutters

"We're all set." Albus smiles down at the candy between him and Scorpius and Scorpius nods in agreement.

"Well who was the other person who survived the curse?" Blair asks, her curiosity persuading her.

The two boys share a look before albus speaks up, "My dad. Harry Potter. He survived it when he was just a baby. When he, my aunt, and uncle were 17 they were at the forefront of a war to kill the man who killed my dads parents and tried to kill him. His name was Voldemort. He wanted to take over the wizarding world and kill all Muggleborns. Dad and them won."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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