Chapter 7: Gentle Awakenings and Mysterious Missives

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Both slept in late the next morning and only awoke when the sun finally found the energy to force its' way through the heavy curtains drawn across the windows, diffusing itself across the room until it drifted across the two figures lying entwined on the bed. Amelia was the first to stir, her ears twitching faintly, as she opened her eyes and cast a glance in the direction of the window which stood parallel to the bed before she dropped her gaze to the slumbering figure next to her. Her lips parted in a soft smile and she lent down to plant a soft kiss on Jane's cheek; the younger woman stirred slightly in answer and exhaled softly before she too opened her own eyes. Jane raised her eyes slightly to look at Amelia and smiled softly as they came to rest on the other's face. "Good morning..." Amelia lowered her head down to press her lips gently against Jane's before wrapping her arms around the other woman and pulling her gently against her. "Good morning, Jane."

Jane settled close against Amelia's body, sighing happily, and then exhaling suddenly as she felt the gentle tickling of Amelia's claws through the fabric covering her back. "Mmm...that feels lovely...just a little lower please...yes, right there..." As Amelia's hands gently scratched at the indicated spot Jane's eyes slid closed again, her own hands reaching out to slide around Amelia's waist while continuing to snuggle close. They remained that way for several moments, simply, quietly, enjoying each other's company when Jane lifted her head and opened her eyes again. "Do you have to be getting back to the ship today, Amelia?" Amelia made a slight shrug as she continued to lightly scratch Jane's back. "I would have to inform Mr. Arrow, but otherwise I can be spared for a day or two." Jane beamed, wrapping her arms more tightly against Amelia's waist, as she began to talk in an rush. "Oh, that is wonderful! I want us to be able to do as much as we can together..." a faint flush crept up Jane's neck, but she pressed on "...around the town. I want to treat you to a memorable shore leave." Amelia chuckled to herself at Jane's enthusiasm, her right hand coming up to rest against the other cheek, as she nodded. "Well, if we are going to be so diverted, I think we should see to breakfast first, don't you?

The order was placed and, accepted, and delivered with an efficiency that impressed Amelia, and which Jane generously compensated for. There was, however, an additional surprise that came with the meal; at the end of the procession of waiters that brought the food out to the table on the balcony there was a uniformed hotel porter who held in his hands a silver tray on which rested a pair of identical pearl gray envelopes.

Amelia checked that the door chain was in place, and then opened the door as far as it would go and peered through the gap. The man on the other side was a uniformed hotel porter who bore a dignified expression on his face and a silver tray in one hand, on which two identical pearl gray envelopes rested.

The man kept pace with the other staff, but remained once the others had all made their exit, standing serenely at the entrance to the patio as he waited to be noticed. Jane saw him first as she looked up to pick up her teacup, looked embarrassed, and set the cup down again. "Oh, I am sorry...I didn't see you there. Do you have something for me?" Jane glanced down at the tray and corrected herself. "For us?"

The man inclined his head forward in a decorous nod. "For you and the captain, yes. These were delivered overnight to the front desk." He extended the tray slightly toward Jane, who picked each envelope up before glancing at each in turn and extending one toward Amelia. The other took it and studied the careful printing on the front before turning it over to look at the other side. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw the wax seal there and looked up to see if Jane had noticed; the younger woman was busily tipping the man for his trouble, so Amelia settled back, raised her cup of coffee to her lips, and took a sip as she waited for them to finish. The man bowed again and retreated deferentially from the room, closing the door behind him as he did so.

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