Love? Part 15

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After telling them most of what happened, besides my heat, we are all in tears. My ears are pressed against my head in shame and sadness.

"I'm so sorry that all of that happened to you" my mom said holing my hand. Tears start to well up one more in her eyes.

My sister is sitting there still a little in shock. "So you're saying I could be that thing too?" She asks quietly.

"I mean maybe but I don't even know how to put them back let alone take them out. It normally just happens" I try to explain to her.

"Ok" she says burning holes in to the table with her gaze. I can see the tears close to falling from her eyes.

"It's nothing to be scared or sad about. It just means you're special and even if you aren't a Neko you are still special to me" I say trying to lighten the mood.

My sister keeps look at the table so I decide to make a joke to see if it can cheer her up. "Careful there I think I see smoke coming from the table. We don't want your laser eyes to burn it" I say in a joking tone.

This earns a laugh from my mom and a nice smile from my sister.

"Look I'm sorry I haven't been there for you lately" I say grabbing her hand from her lap. "But I had to figure some things out"

"But you could have at least called us to tell us you're ok?" She said griping my hand. "You don't know how worried I was when I heard that he got arrested at your school" she now had tears reforming in her eyes.

"I thought they caught him because he tried to kill you at school. Or something worse" she said pulling me into a hug.

"I mean I didn't really take my phone with me that day so I haven't had a phone in ages. And don't you think you would have gotten a call if I was hurt or dead?" I say trying to push some logic on her.

"See this is why we need you here!" She exclaimed. "I would have never thought about that!" She said pushing away and lightly tapping my arm.

"So you are going to be back with us for good right?" My mom asks in a worried tone.

"You know my answer to that mom" I say moving away from them a bit. "I promise to visit more and I can go get my phone so that we can talk" my voice gets quieter as I say these things.

"So you're leaving us again?" My sister asks sadness lacing through her voice.

"I can stay for a bit but I do have to go back. Alec is probably going crazy looking for me right now but he can wait" I say hopping they want to talk with me still.

"Of course hunny" my mom says with her honey sweet smile. "I have so much to tell you" my sister chimes in.

After about an hour of talking with them I learned that my mom got a new and better job to take care of Lilly now that he's gone.

I also learned that Lilly had came out as bisexual to my mom and started dating the cute girl in her class.

Everything seamed to be perfect for them. After I went up stairs to get my phone I said my good byes and when my back to Alec's house.

When I got there the scene I saw was horrible. I didn't think he would freak this much.

The house was in complete disarray. The couch was on the opposite side of the room. Everything from plastic cups to the tv was shattered on the ground and pieces were everywhere.

'Well I'm dead when Alec finds me' was all I could think. How did he even do this though?

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT" I hear a screech from the distance. "WHEAR THE FUCK IS HE" the voice that I now recognize to be Alec screams once again.

I'm the quietest voice I can muster I say "Do you mean me?" Immediately I can hear foot steps running down the stairs.

"Where have you been" Alec says waisting no time to run to me and pull me into a hug.

"I went to see my mom and sister. I had completely forgot about them so I felt so bad. I literally ran all the way to my old house" I say hugging him back.

"Never do that again please" he whispers just barely audible. He hugs me tighter not giving me a chance to speak.

He lifts me up bridal style. Which of course earning a 'eep' from me that he laughed at. Then carried me to the kitchen.

"I suppose you haven't eaten yet hun?" He questions already knowing the answer and setting me on the counter. He goes to grab stuff to cook but stop him.

"Remember last time you tried to cook?" I remind him. He just hums disappointingly and gestures me to go ahead.

"Have you eaten yet?" I ask hoping down from the counter to make some eggs and tofu with fruit on the side.

"Nah I was too worried about my little escaping kitten" he said with a chuckle. He watched me work as I made him some eggs bacon and sausage.

After we ate I decided to clean up the mess he made. It was only fair sense it was because of me.

Hey kittens I hope you enjoyed this chapter of love? Let me know what I can improve on. This literally took months to make because I didn't know what to do after the first paragraph. Well bye!
~love kittyagh❤️

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