Love Is A Funny Thing

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Author's note: Just to let you guys know this is my first one, so do be kind and if you like it, share it!!

Avi POV:

'Mary did you know...' Sang Kirstie as we recorded the cover. All I could think about was her voice. It was warm and welcoming and it complimented her personality very well. It had an uplifting tone to it, that could bring a smile to anyone's face. For all of you who didn't pick up on my ever so subtle hints, I have immense romantic feelings for Kirstie. I know it sounds cheesy, no one cringes at cheesiness more than moi, but she's worth it and I would risk almost anything for her.

She glanced at me and started to blush. Oh fudge I'd been staring. I need to stop doing that. I stayed focused for the rest of the recording session, determined not to be caught out again. I also kept my eye on Scott. I know he has a thing for Kirstie. He likes to make her smile. The more he makes her smile, the more she'll like him and maybe it'll become a thing between them, that would be if she wasn't with Jeremy,and if i wasnt trying as hard too.

After the session was over, i really wanted to get home ASAP so i could relax and sleep. I haven't had much sleep as we all working hard to get our christmas album finished. Although we weren't done yet, we were making soo much progress that we all deserved a rest.

'Come on Kevin. I haven't got all day, i have some sleep to catch up on' i whined. Kevin always felt the need to talk to the producers after every recording session.

'ALRIGHT!!! Alright i'm coming, keep your hair on!'

He reluctently started to walk towards the exit. I turned and headed the same direction behind him.

Just whilst i was walking through the door, i heard a voice call my name. I turned back around to see who it was.

'Avi? Avi?' Kistie was practically running towards me.

'' Out of all the words in the dictionary, i couldnt find one word to say to her.' I just wanted to as......'

'ummm...if this is about the whole...y'know...staring thing...' I interupted

'what??! No!' Kirstie said with the most confused look on her face.'No, i was just wondering if you would take me home today, thats all?

'Oh yeah sure but um i thought Jeremy was coming to get you????'

She took a really long time to my question.

' and Jeremy aren't...together anymore' she looked as though she was going to cry. I gave her a hug to make her feel better, to let her know that she could always talk to me. I slowly walked her to my car, where Kevin was standing about listening to music. When he spotted me he looked at his watch. 'Gee it only took you 10 minutes to get out of there. Talk about me hanging about.'

Kirstie's sad expression caught his focus.

'Oh kirst whats the matter? Are you OK???'

' Dont worry kev, lets just get in the car. I'll be fine' she said, weakly. The tears were threatning to come down her cheeks but she somehow managed hold them back. I drove to her house. When we got there, i asked her ' Would you like us to stay with you for a bit?'

' Would you guys mind? I could definately use the company.' Her smooth cheeks wobbled as she smiled very faintly. I parked my car and once we got in, i sat her on the sofa.

'Hey kirst would you like a drink?

'Yes please. A coffee. Thanks Kevin'

'How about you Avi?' Kevin asked

'The same please mate. cheers' i replied before turning to kirstie

'ok. Do you want,to tell me what happened?' She stayed silent for a moment. Her hair covered her beautiful face. She was so delicate, so fragile. She took a deep breath before looking up at me. The light from her window, shone in her eyes and brown of her eyes, started to come to life.

'What happened was....'

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