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Dome was having restless nights and same goes to Tee who was beside him. Its been three days since they became roommates and still Godt watched them so closely like a dog.

"Finally, morning." Dome said and waited for a few moments until Phoom would come and pick him up in the room.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, you ready to sleep?" Phoom asked and chuckled.

"Hell yeah." Dome nodded and Phoom picked him up and carried him into the living room.

"Oy oy oy. What are you two doing? That's prohibited!" Godt barked and Dome sighed.

"Let me sleep in peace with this person. Please." Dome said with much exhaustion and Godt sighed and crossed his arms.

"Okay then. Sleep where I can easily see you both. Where's P'Tee?" He asked.

"Sleeping. He was still not used to sleep next to me. He's tired as fuck just like me." Dome responded and Phoom laid on the sofa with Dome on top of him.

Phoom wrapped his arms around Dome and then closed his eyes for the power nap. Dome was already sleeping on top of him and he felt nice.

Finally, a good rest.

Godt watched Phoom and Dome cuddling in the sofa as they were sleeping. Bass was making coffee next to him while watching the soon to be couple with a soft smile.

"They are so cute." Bass said.

"What? No." Godt said and Bass rolled his eyes.

"Hmph. You can't change my mind. Who knows it might be His highness who can break the curse. It will be fairytale like and-"

"Stop being crazy." Godt told the younger male and Bass frowned.

"You should also stop cock blocking. You're just jealous you don't have someone like that." Bass said and smirked when he saw the pissed face of Godt.

"Oh yeah? You also dont have someone like that yet you talk so big-"

"At least I am not cock blocking some relationship to bloom. Ciao cock blocker." Bass said and made his way to Tee to check up on him.

"You don't understand..." Godt said silently and he sighed.

The door opened and revealed the other six guys. Godt stared at Kimmon and blinked.

"I dont really care about what happened to you but--- You look like shit." He said and Bass came running outside the room. Kimmon rolled his eyes and Benjamin laughed.

"Good morning!" He chirped happily.

Bass saw the others were staring at Pavel and Dome who were sleeping while cuddling on the sofa.

"Where are the other two and why are they so tired?"

"Someone decided to cock block some romance to happen." Bass said and glared at Godt who glared back.

"Watch your mouth midget." He growled and Kimmon rolled his eyes.

"Just kiss already you two." Joong said and the two fairies gasped.

"Joong!" Nine said and hit Joong's chest who only laughed and back hugged Nine.

Copter was being quiet and he seemed drowned with his thoughts so when Bass poked his cheek, he got really startled.

Tae got outside his room and Godt, Benjamin and Kimmon stared at him.

"At least someone looks worst than me. Heh." Kimmon said and high fived with Benjamin

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