Episode 1

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-Y/N P. O. V-

Hello guy's! I'm Lee Y/N or should i say Mrs. Jeon yeah your right, i was forced to marry jungkook, one of the most popular member of BTS. were just forced to marry eachother cause of our parents sake. Jungkook's friends and mine know all of this just them no one else know cause we don't want to ruin our career.

Did i mention that I'm a kpop idol too? No? Oh god sorry im Y/N from blackpink or should i say Lisa Manoban from Blackpink

Author's POV
Im not going to introduce BTS and BLACKPINK because I know you guys already know them okie? And guys disclaimer im not a shipper of bts and blackpink this is just a fiction so don't take it serious just imagine lisa is y/n THANK CHUUU


i know that Jungkook didn't love me he just act sweet when our parents are here or around but he acts cold when we were hanging out with our friends or we were alone, there's a rumor that jungkook was dating IU but i don't care.... Right?

Y/N: Me jealous? Hell nah

I was interrupt by a sound ringing and that's my phone lol, i looked at the caller id to see who's calling me
When i saw the name its taetae! My bestfriend / my closest member in bts

Y/N: I wonder why is he calling me

*answer the call

*on the phone 📱

Y/N : hey taetae what's up?

Tae : hey Y/N are you ready for tonight's party?

Y/N: oh god i almost forget that

Tae : lol i'ma pick you at 9:30 pm cause the party will start at 10:00 pm later c'ya!

Y/N: oh okie copy byebye

*the call ended

To be continue

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