Magcon Day

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Morgan: hey Jasmine
Me: Yeah?
Morgan: come here please
Me:ill be right back guys
Matt: okay well be sitting right here
Me: whats up Morgan
Morgan: I know I shouldnt over think it but why did you get even more excited when you saw Matt?
Me: because both of are favorites are here duh
Morgan: okay i was worried for a second cuz I thought you liked Matt more.
Me: No i like him but i like Carter more than anything
Morgan: okay go out and talk with them so i can get ready
Me: alright

Me: Alright im back, sorry about that
Matt: its okay
Me: Carter, Matt can i ask you something?
Both of them: yea go ahead
Me: Can we take a picture together when Morgan comes out?
Carter: Yah sure why not

Morgan: Okay I'm almost done i just have one more thing to do.
Me: just make it fast.
Morgan: don't rush me and I will.

I look back over to the guys and I tell them sorry for the screaming. Even tho they're used to their fans screaming I just don't want them to think that's what we do around here. They were both really polite about it and said they were used to it with all the fans screaming all the time.

Jasmine: I can scream a lot louder than that if I really tried to.

The boys: oh wow, it really doesn't bother us seeing as though we see thousands of fans a couple times a week.

( Morgan Walks out)

Morga: lets go were all taking a picture together.

The three of us: Alright, sounds good


Morgan and I: can we have your your numbers guys?

yah sure you can have mine Carter says

Morgan and I: Matt?

Matt: what?

Morgan: can we have your number?

Matt: oh yah sure

Morgan and I: thank you

Matt: yah anytime, Carter we should get going before we're late to our own meet and greet.

Carter: well see you guys at the meet and greet right?

Jasmine: definitely, see you there!

Matt and Carter: sweet, see you guys there

Jasmines POV

When the boys left our room to go to the meet and greet I looked at Morgan and screamed. I can't believe that we just met Matt and Carter not to mention in OUR HOTEL ROOM. This all feels like a big dream to me, like where they really here or am I asleep at home right now.

Morgan: I know! That was totally unexpected.
Me: I'm not dreaming am I?
Morgan: not at all, that was 100% real, and they even asked us if we were going to their meet.
Me: I wonder why they showed up here? Were they looking for someone else?
Morgan: who knows and who cares? They were in our room, talking to us.

Meeting MagconWhere stories live. Discover now