(Third person)
Red was peaceful when she slept....which was rare for the platnuim blonde haired girl with natural red underneath.
Tony had her on a table she was being scanned.
"Nothing seems to be broke...wait" he zoomed in on at her ribs.
"Nope, she's cracked three of her ribs..." Tony was cut off.
"They done more them electrocute her then" Steve cut in.
Luna kept a watchful eye on Red and Aaron.
"Aaron you need to be checked" The usually tanned girl had gotten pale, Luna was worried, Natasha looked at her sister but said nothing, they didn't have the best relationship.
"I'm fine" Aaron said softly looking at the ground, she hadn't moved or talked much.
"Aaron....listen I'm with Luna, you need to be checked" Everyone agreed to this but the stubborn girl still refused.
"Aaron..." Clint stepped forward and started talking quietly with the brown haired girl.
Luna looked away her blue hair swaying with every movement.
"I'm fine.....i don't....they didn't....alright" she could hear only parts of Clint and Aaron's conversation before Aaron laid on a table and Bruce started to check her
"You know how if you shock a dog with a shocking collar to much you can fry their brain?" Bruce stated, Aaron narrowed her eyes at him.
"Ok well, the shock was close to frying yours, I'd recommend rest....other then that you don't have anything broken....when was the last time you ate?" Luna knew instantly that was a tough one, Aaron never ate much and sometimes she wouldn't eat at all.
She didn't answer the question, Aaron was clearly about to have a break down.
Luna stepped in, wrapping her arms around the taller girl seeing as she was sitting now Aaron leaned her head onto Line's shoulder.
"I'm gonna force her to take up your rest offer...where can she sleep?!" It was more of a demand then a question.
"She can sleep in my room for now"
No one seemed to oppose as Clint spoke, seeing as right now some of the rooms were being renavted by F.R.I.D.A.Y
"Come one, I'll show you where it is" Clint helped Aaron to her feet, the girl stumbled buy caught her balance as they walked.
"There's not much we can do for Red, I'm no doctor, and the one we used to have refuses to come back.... she'll have to heal on her own, she should wake up soon" Luna sat down in the chair next to Red.
"I'll wait till she does"-----------
I'm not sure when this was last updated but I know it's been awhile and we are sorry! We promise the next chapter to be up soon.

Plan B
ActionS.H.E.I.L.D had a group, they were called Plan B. Red, the leader, she's adopted by nick fury. Aaron, the soldier, her parents are unknown. And Luna,sister of Natasha Romanoff. Plan B, was named for a reason only Fury knows, aside from the Avengers...