"I'm such a terrible evil dad."

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"Hay son!" Stan wrapped his arm around Sebastian. "Father can you not do this." Stan just chuckled at his response. He always gets spooked when he does that. It's quite funny honestly. "Aw come on it was funny!" He was still laughing. Sebastian sighed and went back to writing. he was writing to his dear queen Vanessa, his only true love. Stan never understood love. He thought it was a waste of time and useless. "You know writing a letter to a dumb queen isn't that evil. You could be ruling the world at this point!" Sebastian sighed. "Well I'm not like you father. I don't want to be evil or rule the world. I just want to be with Vanessa. Just please understand that!"

[A couple months later]

Stan was sitting on his King chair. He didn't know what to do. "Sir?" Stan snapped up and saw his butler James. "What is it! I'm trying to do evil things!" James sighed. "It's your son he hasn't wrote many letters in a couple of weeks. It's quite strange for him. He usually writes you a letter every- " Stan silenced him. "fine I'll pay him a visit. Now stop worrying. He's an evil Prince he's fine James!" James nodded.

He arrived at Vanessa's Manor. It was quite different? It was more cold and depressing. Before it had flowers everywhere. But now it had ice and snow. "Heh finally they actually made it into an evil Manor." He chuckled to himself. He walked up to the door and try to open it. It was frozen. Now this is quite strange. But stan dismissed it. He just went into a shadow form and went through a crack of the door.

When he went inside everything was destroyed. Cracked photos, broken pots, cracked windows and everything. Stan was getting a bit worried but he was an evil King nothing worried him.

He was going around the manor for a couple hours now. Maybe they don't live there anymore? Yeah that's probably it. he was about to leave but he remembered something. The dungeon! But what's the point to go in there anyway? Nothing's down there. But he sighed and went down.

When he went down there he saw the usual things. But nothing interesting. "I wonder if I'm going to see a dead body heh." He said to himself. But he regretted that. on the wall he saw Sebastians corpse shackled with chains on the wall. He was dead.

"S-Son??? Come on say something!" Stan didn't know how to feel. He felt sick. He would have not cared if it was a random dude but that was his son up there. He wanted to get mad. But what's the point? This is his fault. He should have been a better father. "Hahahahah I'm such a terrible evil dad." He was smiling. He was going mad. You could see yellow liquid coming down his yellow glowing eyes. "Hay son? Let's go home." He cut Sebastian from the shackles and carried his corpse out of the Manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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