My Story

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Hello! This chapter is about how being pansexual affected my life and how I came out. For background information, I am a 14 year old female. I live with my two older brothers and my parents. When I found out I was pansexual I kept it a secret, I thought of it as a curse/illness at the time and was afraid people would hate me for it. The one person I was terrified of telling was my father. My father is against LGBTQ+ and finds it strange. In fact, one time he even said that liking more than one gender was strange. I was even scared of telling my closest friend. I lean more to more feminine looking people so I would sometimes lie to my friends about what type of boys I liked. It was hard, I had to try to keep a secret from some of the closest people in my life.

Maybe a year or more later I had meet this one boy, he was so open about being bi and he was still so love able to people. We soon became friends. I found him inspiring, him being able to appreciate his sexuality. He was the first person I had ever told about me being pansexual. He was fine with it and was the one that taught me to be comfortable with my sexuality. I later gained a crush on him which was odd because he was no where near my type. Maybe a month later, I told my friends. Of course a few thought it was strange and had suddenly left my life afterwards, while others understood/ tried to understand.

Now the hardest part came along, telling my family. I knew my mother would be fine with it since she didn't really care about the person I married. I wasn't sure how my brothers would react. It was dinner time, as we all sat around the table I started a conversation. The conversation was about random daily life things until I had became more serious. I don't remember exactly how it went but it went something like this,

"I have something import to tell you guys." My family looked at me while stuffing the food into their faces. "I'm pansexual." I said while playing with my food. My mother had smiled and said something along the lines of, "I accept you, honey." My brothers asked what it meant and I explained. They were fine with it but my father on the other hand. He had stopped eating completely. He said, "You better marry a man." Later that night, my parents got into a fight about it and I remember crying my eyes out. The feeling of not being accepted hurt.

Though this story did have a happy ending, after a few months he started being more open about it and even accepted my girlfriend. To this day, I am still friends with the people I told I was pansexual. To this day, I still have a slight crush on the boy. To this day, I still have a healthy relationship with my family. And most importantly, I and comfortable with my sexuality!

Thank you for reading! Also for 52 votes!! Never thought this story would even reach 20 votes. Feel free to add your coming out stories/ your fears of coming out in the comments of this chapter!

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