Chapter One

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IMPORTANT! WARNING- Chapter contains explict language. 

Chapter One

I found myself in a terrifying position; darkness surrounded me. No light was visible from what I could see. It was so dark, I couldn't even see my own hands. My stomach twisted tightly giving me a feeling I've felt before yet couldn't describe. A sudden fear of this darkness formed. The temperature seemed to rise from a deathly cold to a burning hot.  Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I started to feel nervous. 

        My heart dropped when a pair of eyes illuminated the emptiness out of nowhere. Literally.  They were a dark green, but they somehow glowed in the dark. I found myself  walking towards them. Yep, I turned into one of those stupid chicks in horror movies who always die first when they follow the noise upstairs. I just couldn't stop myself from moving towards the alluring eyes, my fear of the dark just seemed to vanish. As I neared the green orbs a growl erupted from behind me. My eyes widened at the loud sound. Slowly, I turned. Eyes shut and heart pounding, my eyes burst open. A flash of gray appeared in front of me. Claws grasped my body causing a burning feeling to accumulate on my chest and bits of my arms. I screamed in pain. Horrifying white glow-y teeth opened heading straight for my neck-

I sat up from my hot sweaty bed shocked and terrified. My chest ached as well as my arms, it was as if the dream was real. I swiped my arm across my sweaty forehead looking at my digital clock. 5:01 AM. I sighed as I swung my legs to the edge of my bed. My feet padded towards the bathroom. I flicked on the lights and looked in the mirror. My appearance was horrible. My eyes were red and bloodshot, dark sacs had formed under my eyes adding onto my dead look. I looked like a zombie. 

After staring in the mirror for 5 minutes I decided to take a short shower. I stripped down turning on the hot water and stepping in the steamy shower. 

You know how in showers you just zone out and think about life? Well that's what I always do, I get pushed into a world of thoughts and just zone out. The nightmare I had last night for example. It was so... real. Especially the green orbs in the darkness. They were so captivating and alluring, but the creature ruined it. It's horrifying teeth and claws were so realistic that I actually felt them digging into my flesh. I shuddered at the memory of the nightmare. 

I stepped out of the shower to get ready for school. I had to go through the annoyingly long process of blow drying my hair so the only thing I could do to help is to get out of the shower quicker. 

Once I blow dried my hair I threw on a random outfit that consisted of a light pink layered dress that reached a little bit above my knees, brown wedged ankle boots, and a cardigan. For my hair I curled it softly. 

Giving myself one last look in the mirror I headed down the creaky wooden steps. I spotted my mum cooking breakfast in the kitchen. 

"Hey mum!" I greeted as I snatched a waffle from the plate next to her. 

"He-HEY!" I giggled at her reaction grabbing yet another waffle and stuffing my face off.

"I wasn't done making them yet!" My mum pouted.

"Mum, you're acting like a freaking 5-year-old!" She laughed going back to making waffles and who knows what. 

"Honey, it's almost six, I would be going if I were you." I nodded grabbing a plate an filling it with sausages and fruit. I quickly stuffed the food in my mouth taking a sip of OJ before leaving.

"Briye Muhm," I waved good bye, and headed towards my car. 


On my way towards school I had stopped at a red light. Once the light changed to green I pressed my foot on the pedal, but was cut short when a jeep similar to Stiles Stilinski's in Teen Wolf cut me off. 

I honked at the person driving the jeep. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, FUCK FACE! WE COULD'VE CRASHED, ASSHOLE!" The person stopped to look at me. "MOVE YOU, PLEB DOUCHEBAG!"

The guy drove away. Douchebag. 

"Adele where were you? You're usually here earlier..." Emily Cast, my best friend, asked me. I sighed and began to explain her the Jeep Douchebag story. 

By the end of my little story Emily was in a fit of laughter. I began to worry if she could actually breathe. Her face was flushed and puffy by the time she stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry for laughing, but, wow, I wonder what that guys face would've looked like. No joke, I would pay big bucks just to see his face. You're the best driver friend ever!" Em giggled wiping a fake tear. I shook my head in disbelief. 

"C'mon, Em. The warning bell's gonna ring. We want to catch a glimpse of Netflix before his friends arrive!" Emily stopped giggling and nodded grabbing my arm and running towards our first bell classroom. 

Nextflix, also known as Jack Reed, was sat down next to Emily and I's normal seats. At this sight Emily squealed silently beside me. Me? Well I just rolled my eyes like any normal person. Once we sat down, Emily "accidentally"  dropped her pencil just like i asked her to. Jack, being the nice gentleman that he was, kindly picked up the pencil. He smiled and stared at Emily who was breathing heavily.

"Oh, give me that!" I yanked the pencil from his grasp placing it on Emily's desk. "And stop staring at her, you're gonna make her hyperventilate for goodness sake!" 

It was officially confirmed. I was one of the greatest friends in the world.

Jack raised an eyebrow at me, but quickly went back to looking at Em who was zoned out in awe. 

"So... Emily was it?" After that sentence came out of Jack's mouth I ignored them completely. 

The warning bell rang shorty after. People filed in like mad bulls, including Jack's friends. Taking the warning bell as a que, I pulled out my notebook and a pencil. I was softly humming Blank Space by Taylor Swift when the room filled with inaudible gasps. Most of them from girls.

"Oh. My. God." Emily whispered silently. "Adele, look!" I frowned but turned towards the front of the room. A guy stood there, not just any guy. A very hot guy. As if feeling my stare, he met my bulged eyes. Green. His eyes were a dark vibrant green. His hair was dark brown shaped in a sexy messy quiff. I tore my gaze from his before I embarrass myself. Jack motioned him over.

"Caleb there ya are!" Caleb. Caleb. Ca-Leb. "We were beginning to wonder if you ditched school or shifte-Uh, got lost." Jack stumbled on his words. Caleb sat himself down 3 seats away from Jack. He completely ignored his sudden outburst.

"Alright class! Please write the notes written on the board please!" 

The rest of class was a big blur. I was already ahead of everyone ,somehow, so I had extra time. Being my weird self, I began to draw random things in my notebook. I let my hands do all the work.

"Whoa. Adele that's just, wow." Emily said from behind me a few minutes later. I looked down at my drawing, I realized I had drawn a pair of green eyes. Had I not realized that? 

"It's nothing. Just a dream I had last night. It just came to my mind and I began to draw it, I guess." I shrugged. 

"Hey, um, why is the new guy staring at you?" 

I whipped my head around. Emily was right, Caleb was staring at me intensely, but once I caught him he turned back immediately. Weird. 

"I don't know." 



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