Chapter One

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Having to walk through the corridors of Oakville high school on my first day of senior year was the last thing I wanted to do on a Monday morning. In fact I would prefer to never have to grace my presence in this school again. But apparently according to my mom, that is not an option.

So after scrapping that idea this morning, I forced myself out of bed not bothering to add any makeup. It's not like it would improve my appearance, after all a 5inch scar is a permeant reminder of what happened 14 years ago between my parents and a crazed rogue.

I don't fully remember what happened and I've never asked, my mother constantly wants to talk about it to see if it can help me but I personally think it's unnecessary. Why talk about something I don't want to remember?

It still hurts my mom to think about and having it as a constant reminder on my face doesn't help. She even tries to reassure me that I'm still beautiful but that doesn't stop people from staring.

As the Alpha's daughter, I liked to keep myself to myself and I only liked to socialise with a small group of friends.

I placed all my school books that wasn't needed until later into my locker when my best friend Tilly and the Betas daughter appeared next to me. We've been friends since we were four and have been inseparable since.

After shutting our lockers we greeted each other quickly and talked about all the crazy drama my twin brothers Knox and Kai caused over the weekend.

But just as we were about to walk to class Mellisa, the most popular girl at school along with her group of followers came over to us.

Melissa stood there, her eyes glaring at mine as she scrunched her face up into disgust.

I simply rolled my eyes at her waiting for her unoriginal insult to follow, except it didn't. She instead pushed past me, her shoulder purposely bashing into mine as she shoved her way through.

We've never got on ever since we were children, she was obsessed with wanting an Alpha title something I had and she didn't.

"Watch it." I growled threatening, my eyes glowing black as she turned round to give me a smug smile knowing I couldn't do anything as humans surrounding us.

I just looked at her appearance; she had gorgeous long red curly hair with light blue eyes and of course a skinny waist. She was wearing the most revealing clothing which left absolutely nothing for the imagination, not that it was a shock.

"What?" She replied sweetly, her tone innocent as she gave me a fake smile. My chest began to rumble as my wolf begged to be released only for me to push her down, we were exposed and we couldn't shift in the middle of the school corridor.

I was about to step forward, my wolf commanding control when Tilly pulled me the other way by my arm trying to get us away from this situation.

"She's not worth it and you can't shift in the middle of school, all the humans are staring."  Tilly said through our mind link.

I knew she was right but my wolf didn't want to back down, she was an Alpha but she knew we had a responsibility to keep our kind a secret. I stared at Melissa a moment longer, a promise in my eyes to find her later to show her who was her superior.

I took in a deep breathe, turning round to grab Tilly, dragging her through the large group of people who began crowding the corridor wanting to see what was going on between Mellissa and I.

I didn't stop pulling Tilly until we were well out of range of the lockers.

"She really needs to be put in her place." Tilly commented.

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