40| Their story

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Wahaj's POV

Everyone has two stories: The one they want you to know and the one they don't. My kids only knew what I shared with them. It's not like they pushed me to share my deepest darkest secrets; the thing is they didn't mind. All that mattered was the remaining time that ticked by and how we were going to spend it.

"What do you think you're doing?" My voice nearly shrilled in the hospital full of patients.

"I-" Before she could continue, I gently grabbed onto her little arm, helping the four-year-old down from the ladder, "I'm not going to ask you again."

Her eyes fell, "Layan told me, I couldn't do it,"

I helped her back into the hospital bed, "Where is Pops?" I asked before she could mummer her answer. Another voice thundered, "Mommy!" A little girl ran toward me with brownish curls bouncing as she went.

"Hello, baby," I said, catching her and kissing her cheeks. I turned to my father as I asked him accusingly, "Why weren't you in the room with Lila,"

"Did you do it ?" He asked, dismissing my question.

I nodded my head avoiding to say it out loud, "Layan, why did you tell your sister to go up the ladder," I softly spoke to her as she was still in my arms.

She frowned her brows and gave me an intense look just like him. "I only told her she couldn't. I didn't tell her to do it." She removed herself from my embrace and stood on the ground, "Why are you always angry with me?" She asked before she returned beside my father. "You love Lila more than me,"

Frustrated by the same accusation repeatedly asked, I pitched the bridge of my nose, as I gave the young girl a soft smile "Layan, I love you as much as I love your sister," I cleared it. "It is just that your sister needs my concentration, and you need to act like the big sister, isn't that right?"

"We are twins. She isn't older," My heart aches as I heard Lila speak, which reminded me of His weak voice.

"Are you in pain?" I asked quietly. Funny as she was, it wasn't amusing to watch her hurting just from trying to laugh.

"Some," She muttered.

"Do you want a nurse or some meds?" I wanted to make her feel better, but I felt utterly powerless.

I could see Lila's figure as she laid there, staring blankly at the wall. Yes, her body was present, but her mind was someplace else. It was there, in Disney land, fifteen months ago when she began to exhibit signs of heart failure again.

Now it was worse; Now she is suffering from Acute kidney injury (AKI) from congestive heart failure from being born as a premature baby while Layan even though she was born prematurely, she didn't suffer from anything, Alhamdulillah.

A woman knocked on the door frame, shaking me from my thoughts. I turned to look at the invader and saw it was the nurse. I left that hospital room they assigned Lila just in time for the nurse to prepare her for surgery.

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