Chapter 8

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**Des, 26, Earth**

Des kissed Leo one more time before playfully shoving him out of the café.
“You’re going to be late for work!” he laughed.

Leo shrugged, “I feel like I might be coming down with something. I should stay here so you can nurse me back to health,” he said with a sly grin while snaking his arms around Des’ slender waist, AGAIN. The look in his eyes said exactly how he wanted Des to accomplish that.

“What on Earth has gotten into you today!” Des said, blushing every shade of red even though they were alone. None of his employees had arrived yet, but being 7:45am, someone would be along any second.

He'd been trying to pry Leo off him all morning. Leo practically attacked him when he brought in their usual morning cups of coffee. Des half heartedly tried to fend him off, but the sexy man went for all of his weak spots and in mere minutes, Des was senseless and Leo was ravishing him. Fresh marks lined his neck and shoulders from Leo’s attention. When Des finally regained some of his senses (and the use of his legs), he staggered into the shower and stood under the hot spray for a moment to collect himself. Just as he reached for his shampoo, he felt hands slide up his back.

He wasn’t sure he would ever forgive Leo for the most undignified, squeal (? He wasn’t really sure what sort of sound it was) that escaped him upon that unexpected touch. Fortunately, whatever sound Des made and the string of creative profanity that followed, worked to sufficiently shock Leo that they made it out of the shower without any further distractions. Unfortunately, Leo felt a bit guilty for scaring Des and despite narrow eyed glares from his beloved boyfriend, his mood quickly returned.

Des had shown him the “proper” way to make a cup of coffee a few months after they started real dating, so while Des was going through his hair styling routine, Leo made fresh coffee and slipped a cup to Des. Standing outside the bathroom, he slowly pushed the cup across the vanity with one finger. Des paused, looked at the coffee then at Leo with a raised eyebrow.  He wasn’t really angry, but there was no way he could properly style his hair with Leo crawling all over him. Not everyone woke with the perfectly messed bedhead style Leo just seemed to be naturally blessed with. With that thought, Des narrowed his gaze menacingly. Leo flashed his most charming smile and a quick wink before heading back to the kitchen to fix them a quick breakfast.

By the time Des emerged “fit for public” as he liked to say, Leo had a small fare of fruit, yogurt and some of the pastries Des made the night before and deemed not fit for the café. Leo couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the pastries that made them unfit. He wasn’t going to complain though, these were his favorite! He stood next to the table watching as Des approach sipping the coffee Leo made.

“Forgive me?” he asked, giving Des his best puppy eyes and trying to hide a smile. He knew Des wasn’t really angry, but he also knew how picky the elegant man was about his appearance, specifically his hair.

Des tried to hold his stern look from earlier but failed miserably. Leo was just to damn cute. Smiling, he set his coffee down and wrapped his long arms around Leo.

“Nothing to forgive my love. Though a warning would be greatly appreciated next time you follow me in the shower.” Des said before giving Leo a kiss.

Leo laughed. “I guess I could manage that. Come on, lets have breakfast. You took so long with your hair, we’re running late!”

Des’ jaw dropped. “ME? MY HAIR?” he sputtered before Leo laughed again and cut him off with kiss that held enough heat to make Des weak in the knees.

How they managed to make it through the quick meal without landing back in bed, Des would never know. The way Leo kept looking at him, Des could almost hear his thoughts, and that made it very difficult to remain on his side of the table.

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